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《方舟生存进化》探险家笔记翻译 方舟全探险家笔记内容一览

方舟生存进化吧 RCT·女神星 2017-07-08 14:11


  I decided to seek out volunteers for my next experiment among the island's larger tribes. I thought that surely they would be willing to help after I patiently moderated so many of their frivolous disputes. How idealistic of me. Instead, they have yet another favor to ask.

  Apparently there's a new tribe that's behaving rather aggressively and no one can successfully negotiate with its leader. So naturally they have turned to me. It's rather bothersome, but I can't touch their logic. If Sir Edmund Rockwell cannot reason with this Nerva fellow than who can?


  近来,有一个新兴的部落非常咄咄逼人,还没有人能成功的和他的首领谈判。所以,这些大部落只能求于我。这实在太讨厌了。不过他们说的也没错,除了著名的Edmund Rockwell爵士外,还有谁能和那个叫Nerva的家伙讲理呢?


  Well, I found the report on Mister Nerva to be rather exaggerated, and as an Englishman one might imagine that I'd view Roman leadership with some disdain. Yet in my experience, I found Mister Nerva to be both honest and intellectually engaging.

  In fact, after a lengthy conversation, I daresay that Mister Nerva has the right of it when it comes to this island's politics. As the Romans created Pax Romans, perhaps this New Legion will create Pax Arcam. Even if it doesn't, I doubt it will harm my research, so I see no reason to interfere in this pointless squabble.




  How can these tribal leaders be so short sighted? Yes, the members of their respective tribes who volunteered for my Battle Tartare and Shadow Steak Sauté experiments have been experiencing prolonged withdrawal episodes, but can't they see that the benefits outweigh the costs? I create mixtures that can bring out superhuman strength, speed and coordination in ordinary men and they can only focus on the negatives. Simple minded, the lot of them!

  They even banned their members from partaking in my experiments now. Ridiculous! I'll not let them stand in the way of human progress. They may not understand the importance of my work, but surely my assistants do.

  这些部落首领们为何如此目光短浅?他们各自志愿前来试验战斗神丸(Battle Tartare)和暗影煎牛排(Shadow Steak Sauté)的人都经历了很长的戒断反应。但他们就没看到利大于弊吗?我发明了一种能增加凡人力量、速度和协调性的混合试剂,而他们却只关注于不良反应。他们太头脑简单了!



  I've decided to take a brief vacation from the laboratory. Well, I say that I've decided to, but the whole thing was my assistant Isabelle's idea. She noticed that I'd been quite ruffled lately and suggested that I take a bit of time to myself before rushing headlong into my next experiment. Such an observant young woman, that Isabelle. She's somewhat lacking as a chemist, but she understands my moods almost better than I do.

  I daresay that an old fashioned adventure will me some good. Nothing like some rigorous recreation to clear the mind. Perhaps I'll go spelunking. Yes, a splendid idea! I know just the place for it.




  Remarkable. Absolutely remarkable! When I chose that remote northern cave as as the site of my spectacular spelunking sojourn, I'd never imagined that I'd find such wonders within. Granted, I don't know what this specific wonder does exactly, but it's fascinating to examine. It's like nothing I've ever seen! I don't even recognize the materials that it's composed of, and it's constantly pulsing with some sort of latent energy. What is it? Is it unique or are there similar artifacts just waiting to be discovered beneath the island's surface?

  My how invigorating! Isabelle was right, this was exactly what I needed. I feel like a young man again!





  Eureka! My theory was correct. The small podium at the base of the obelisk is definitely responding to the artifact's proximity and vice versa. Honestly I feel foolish for not attempting this sooner! The stylistic similarities between the artifacts and the obelisks floating above the island seems so obvious to me now. Clearly they were created within the same culture and era.

  Bizarrely, while both the artifact and obelisks are in exquisite condition, there are no other signs of this mysterious civilization. How could that be? What kind of mad society would galavant about some remote island, building towering structures and stuffing knickknacks into caves before vanishing without a trace? I don't understand it, but it's certainly piqued my curiosity.




  Well, I think I've gotten as far in my studies of the obelisks as my archaeological expertise will take me. A shame, really. This has been such a joyous little diversion that I hate to see it end.

  Ah Rockwell, you old twit. You've forgotten the origins of this little excursion - spelunking! Did you yourself not hypothesize that there may be more artifacts hidden elsewhere on this island? Surely you can't give up before confirming that.

  No, certainly not, nor can I be expected to scour the Ark's corners alone. Perhaps someone can spelling in my stead? Better yet, perhaps someone has already spelunked!





  After many days of scouring the island upon Archimedes and many more fruitless conversations with the witless, savage sods that seem to make up most of this island's population, I have finally found the spelunkers I need! A tribe to the northwest called the Iron Brotherhood has apparently found three artifacts themselves, and it's clear that said relics share an origin with my own.

  In exchange for my artifact, the Brotherhood agreed to report any findings to me straight away as they continue their search. What stupendously good fortune! Now I can return to my alchemical studies with renewed vigor, while they crawl through the island's caverns in my stead. Brilliant.




  The first round of trials for my new Lazarus Chowder have gone marvelously, but I have found it hard to maintain my enthusiasm. After all, I will never get truly definitive results with only mesopithecus subjects. It is quite frustrating.

  Even so, I see now that Isabelle was right. Having my assistants take part in the trials would be asking too much of them, and they are too valuable to risk so frivolously. If I cannot find human subjects from the nearby tribes, then I shall have to make do with trials on apes and monkeys. Perhaps it is finally time to capture some gigantopithecus...






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