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《方舟生存进化》探险家笔记翻译 方舟全探险家笔记内容一览

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《方舟生存进化》探险家笔记翻译 方舟全探险家笔记内容一览

方舟生存进化吧 RCT·女神星 2017-07-08 14:11




  Greetings and salutations dear reader! If these words are gracing your eyes, then you have had the good fortune to find the journal of Sir Edmund Rockwell, stupendous scholar, gallant gentleman and explorer extraordinaire.

  It also means that it’s entirely possible that I’ve met some unseemly end on this fascinating but exceedingly dangerous island that I call home. I suppose you could have also stolen it or I could have misplaced it in which case please proceed to either hang your head in shame or return it to me at once. Whichever is appropriate.


  Sir Edmund Rockwell


  若我优雅的文字让您眼前一亮的话,那是因为幸运的您找到的是我的旅途笔记。我是Edmund Rockwell爵士,一位惊世的学者、堂皇的绅士和非凡的探险家。



  Edmund Rockwell爵士


  The wondrous properties of the flora on this island will never cease to amaze me. If I’d told my colleagues in London that I could creature a concoction capable of erasing someone’s memories, I’d be laughed out of the room and never invited to tea again. Yet here it sits: my Mindwipe Tonic.

  As usual, I’ve had tribal leaders grovelling at the gates of Rockwell Manor just for the tiniest of samples, and for the recipe? Oh the bounties I’ve been offered! I’m not interested in their riches though. I have their protection, supplies for my studies and all the time in the world. What more could I ask for?




  These tribal negotiations give me a headache every time. The Blackthumbs are mad that The Painted Sharks sunk two of their barges, but the Painted Sharks say that the barges were too close to Southern Haven and they were perfectly within their rights to sink them as per The Southern Isle Accords. Typically, neither side is willing to budge.

  What a bother. I’d just as soon mindwipe the lot of them and return to my studies. Alas, such is the fate of the island’s most respected neutral entity. At least The Painted Sharks brought some fresh fish. Perhaps I’ll side with them.




  Any chemist worth his salt knows the irreplaceable value of testing. Until a tonic has been rigorously tested, it is less useful than water. If only I could persuade this island’s less intellectual inhabitants to see that tests on Mesopithecus serve well for early trials, but they are no replacement for genuine human subjects at later, safer stages.

  By subjects I of course mean willing participants that are prepared to risk mild headaches and much less mild nausea for the sake of science. The Laughing Skulls offered rather less willing participants at one point, but I declined. With how difficult it is to find volunteers these days, I sometimes regret it.




  Miss Walker's impromptu visits are always an unexpected pleasure. After that headache with the Sharks and Blackfoots, a lively tea-time discussion about the abnormalities of the ARK's ecosystem was precisely what I needed. Thank goodness I've managed to find an intellectual colleague that shares my love for the sciences!

  It saddens me to think that Miss Walker's charming colonial accent would keep her out of the more prestigious institutions and societies back home. Another of the ARK's wonders - it is a true meritocracy unlike any in the modern world. If Miss Walker and I could find and cultivate more minds like ourselves, we could create a true scientific utopia.




  This expedition to Whitesky Peak has been just splendid, top to bottom. The weather's been marvelous, I've found excellent floral samples and the local hunters had more Woolly Rhino horns than you could shake a stick at.

  I even managed to find volunteers for my latest experiment! It turns out that it was simply a matter of linguistics: those who are wary of experimental potions are much more receptive to experimental food. Once my Endothermic Paste was rechristened Fria Curry, people were clamoring to test it. It has moderate nutritional value, so it's not technically a deception. It's just favourable language in the name of progress, that's all. Perfectly moral.

  此番在天辉峰(Whitesky Peak西北雪山,方舟所在地)从上到下的探险真是壮观。此地的天气是那么惊异。我找到了完美的蓝花样本。当地的猎户们有大量的木犀牛角。

  我为最新的试验努力寻找一些受试验者。我发现这其实只需要斟酌字句:那些担心试药的人一听说试菜,就变得很跃跃欲试了。我把吸热泥(Endothermic Paste)改名叫弗里亚咖喱(Fria Curry),试吃的人就争先恐后了。弗里亚咖喱确实有一定的营养价值,所以严格的说,我确实没有欺骗他们。这就是语言的艺术,很有道德。


  Sadly my Fria Curry trials cannot begin immediately as the volunteers have a much more difficult journey to Rockwell Manor than I. After all, I couldn't very well carry every one of them on Archimedes. Yes, the Argentavis could clutch one of his talons, but I've always found the practice to be barbaric. The rest of the ARK may be embroiled in feudal savagery, but a gentleman always maintains his class and dignity.

  At any rate, I must have my assistants renovate the guest compound. Naturally I would never let strangers into the manor proper, but there's no reason there stay should not relefect my civilized standards.




  Having readily available subjects has helped my experiments tremendously even if their numbers dwindled over time. Not only was I able to curb The side affects of my Fria Curry's endothermic properties, but I managed to bring out and additional benefit of the mixture. Now, it also lowers the subject's metabolism, letting them go longer without needing food. Marvelous! I hadn't even considered that as a possibility.

  Why, with all I've learned from these experiments, I imagine that I could reverse the effects of the Curry and create a concoction to aid survival in extreme heat as well. I must find more volunteers posthaste.






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