COD12剧情探究 全关卡开头文字翻译


COD12剧情探究 全关卡开头文字翻译

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COD12剧情探究 全关卡开头文字翻译

使命召唤吧 虎狙击手 2015-11-25 16:57



  AAR INCOMING. WA MSS AIRBORNE- SGP. REPORT DESIGNATION: CO Juliet-Tango. Standing OIC: Juliet-Hotel. LNO: Romeo-Kilo. AFTER ACTION MISSION REPORT: CLASSIFIED WASF SOCWA-E Eyes Only. Encryption #6-ECHO-6-7-2-0-7-4. OPERATIONAL PROTOCOL: Field Assessment. Target KIA: CDP Defectors Juliet-Romeo. Mission Status: OPEN. Day:2.

  This document has been designated “Eyes-Only”, with approval for the following members of SOCWA-E listed on the attachment. It will remain classified ongoing at this time and certain sections may be further redacted prior to submission. The following report outlines to the existence of a clandestine operation run by the CIA-Records of which have been expunged from Langley Archives. This information has only receives LNO Kane’s sign off because it may provide insight into mentality and motivations behind the defector’s actions. (The incident at the WA Safehouse SGP will be addressed in the following report).

  Stone’s team’s last known Op was to investigate a client alarm triggered from an off-grid position somewhere deep beneath the Coalescence Corporation Singapore facility. Following in their footsteps, our own investigation has indeed provided some insight into their actions in the aftermath of their final mission. Beneath the Coalescence Corporation facility, our team discovered and abandoned CIA BLACK PROJECT-designation SP/CORVUS-involving experiment DNI trials on human test subjects. After positively identifying one of the deceased, it was the team’s conclusion that the subjects were most likely appropriated into the program from the local criminal underclass. More damaging one of the ethical issue of unsanctioned human trials, our investigation uncovered details linking this project to the Coalescence Corporation Disaster of 2060. Details of the devastating tragedy that occurred in early June of 2060 are well known, but responsibility for the 300,000 civilian deaths has always been attributed to negligence on the part of Coalescence Corporation. The information we uncovered suggests that this CIA Black Project was the direct hypocenter of the disaster. As previously reported, an unanticipated Target Termination occurred on site- with in the SP/CORVUS server room. It was at this location that we encountered Javier Ramirez in the process of uploading additional INTEL to our enemies-most notably the locations of all WA Safehouses worldwide, including Safehouse-SGP -where our LNO was currently located. Once the target was incapacitated, Hendricks conducted a hostile interrogation which yielded several key pieces of information- Stone had bartered the data drives for safe passage out of Singapore, and was now en route to Cairo in pursuit of two HVIs- survivors of the Coalescence Corporation Disaster: Dr. Salim, a scientist who is believed to have relocated to Cairo, and Sebastian Krueger, location unknown. After extracting this information, Hendricks eliminated the target-an act which was clearly of some emotional consequence to him- given their long standing friendship. Soon after this action, the 54 Immortals launched a large scale attack on the site which resulted in the destruction of the facility. In close tactical coordination with our LNO, our team extracted relatively unscathed-only to discover that the Immortals were now launching an assault on her position.



  SP/CORVUS:卡维斯,本作最神设定之一,真·万恶之源与最终BOSS,按照设定是某种被CIA黑色计划开发出来用来控制士兵DNI的AI(你以为只有人革连会干这种缺德事儿?),就是深入DNI和其他人脑之中,查看潜在的KB威胁(你可以想象成某种心理测量者或者少数派报告的手段)。然而BUG出现了,于是乎少数派报告变成了ghost in the shell——就是这家伙出现了自己的,凌驾于人类之上的智能。。。以及心态。而且和攻壳机动队的绝大多数剧情相同的是,这个corvus in the shell的故事的AI意图同样是以各种牺牲人类的手段寻找自己存在的意义(如果不懂这句话,可以补一补攻壳机动队ARISE的OVA2,我真觉得这部大锤在向攻壳取经更多于杀出重围),也就是因此,有了新加坡的爆炸,有了主角的精神失常,还有这条剧情线乃至漫画剧情线(现实中)各种战友,敌人,无辜者,有辜者的死亡——当然有主角在的话这个一般都成功不了,要不然就人类的智能也编不出这个“意义”来wwww

  因此,这也正应了当时我逐帧翻译真人预告片时那个长得像斯诺登的小哥说的那句话,“How far are we allowed to go?”——我们在对科技的探寻上还能走多远?




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