COD12剧情探究 全关卡开头文字翻译


COD12剧情探究 全关卡开头文字翻译

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COD12剧情探究 全关卡开头文字翻译

使命召唤吧 虎狙击手 2015-11-25 16:57



  AAR INCOMING. WA FOB SAFEHOUSE- SGP. REPORT DESIGNATION: CO Juliet-Tango. Standing OIC: Juliet-Hotel. LNO: Romeo-Kilo. AFTER ACTION MISSION REPORT: CLASSIFIED WACF SOCWA-E Eyes Only. Encryption #2-0-6-7-6-FOXTROT-6-9. OPERATIONAL PROTOCOL: Infiltration&Recovery. Identities for Four Targets Marked for Termination are confirmed: CDP Defectors Mike-Sierra, Juliet-Romeo, Alpha-Charlie & Juliet-Foxtrot. Mission Status: OPEN. Day:1.

  Tracking the Data Drives revealed our Targeted Area of Interest: Singapore Biodomes. Stronghold for the 54 Immortals. Heart of their operations. At this time we believe our Targets bartered the data drives with the Immortals for safe passage out of Singapore-reinforcing the defection theory as the 54i are aligned with the CDP. We entered the Stronghold posing as black market Weapons dealers selling Code Black Robotics provided by the CIA. Using Hendricks’ contact-Danny Li, we sought to make contact with Goh Xiulan and Goh Min, the sibling leaders of the combine. During our initial contact, LNO Kane (operating remotely from Safehouse-SGP)successfully triangulated the exact location of the package to the 54 Immortals Central Server Room within Cloud Mountain. The Goh’s were suspicious-and quickly made as as WASF. The situation quickly escalated- In the initial struggle Goh Min was KIA and Goh Xiulan fled the scene. Team was forced to initiate Secondary Protocol Echo Two- VTOL exfiltration rerouted to the top of the dome-wings up on package recovery confirmation. Engagements with hostile forces occurred en route to central server, including skirmishes with 54i and a contingent of visiting NRC Forces. After breaching the server room, circumstances forced our team to remove Goh Xiulan’s hand in order to gain bypass the biometric security. OIC Hendricks wanted it on record that this action did not have his approval, however time was critical and I felt we had no other option. After securing the package, secondary EXFIL was compromised by 54i-operated Wraith- and were forced to initiate Tertiary Protocol Echo Three-pushing exfil to the subway station beyond the surrounding swampland. This would prove successful, but not without additional collateral damage along the way. While Op did not proceed as smoothly as planned, our team had taken the appropriate steps to ensure the CIA’s drives were secured. The Goh’s suspicion and our team being compromised would seem to imply that Stone’s team may have forewarned them of our arrival. Upon reviewing the data drives, Security footage positively ID’d the killers: Dylan Stone, Javier Ramirez, Alice Conrad and Joseph Fierro-members of our own Winslow Accord Black Ops Team as previously stated. At this time we can also confirm there were responsible for a) The KIAs at the CIA Black Station and b) The missing data drives and subsequent intelligence leaks. Hendricks’ emotional response to the footage was not unexpected-our Targets were former teammates-we’d spent years in the field together. It’s my firm belief that Hendricks’ period of denial will soon pass. That said- the question remains- what let Stone and his team to defect? While reviewing the drives we learned that Stone’s last op before his defection was to investigate a disturbance at Coalescence Corporation Singapore. We intend to follow in their footsteps in the hope of gaining greater insight into their motives.


Coalescence Corporation:科尔利森公司,就和几乎所有赛博朋克游戏中出现的类似阵营一样是一个垄断了几乎所有人体改造技术和武器生产的大企业。在CIA授意下合作进行一些非法研究。此外,新加坡之所以会变成这副德行也是其新加坡分部主楼爆炸的结果。俗称:万恶之源。


  接收任务报告:温协前进基地安全屋—SGP。报告指定:指挥官J-T。当职情报官:J-H。联络官: R-K。任务后报告:机密,仅供SOCWA-E人员参阅。加密编码:#2-0-6-7-6-FOXTROT-6-9。任务协议:渗透&夺回。四名待清除目标身份已确认:CDP变节者M-S, J-R, A-C & J-F。任务状态:开启。天数:1



  A)CIA 站点的屠杀






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