《COD12》奖杯大全 白金奖杯达成条件一览


《COD12》奖杯大全 白金奖杯达成条件一览

游民星空 - 查攻略必备


《COD12》奖杯大全 白金奖杯达成条件一览

exophase 未知 2015-10-05 14:45

奖杯图标 奖杯名称及达成条件
游民星空 Platinum
Awarded when all other trophies have been unlocked.
游民星空 Disavowed
Complete Black Ops on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
游民星空 A Second Chance
Complete New World on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
游民星空 High Tide
Complete In Darkness on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
游民星空 Belly of the Beast
Complete Provocation on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
游民星空 Into the Abyss
Complete Hypocenter on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
游民星空 Blood for Blood
Complete Vengeance on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
游民星空 Friends and Foes
Complete Rise and Fall on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
游民星空 Understanding Madness
Complete Demon Within on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
游民星空 Fly, Swim, Shoot
Complete Sand Castle on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
游民星空 200 Stories of Sheer Adventure!
Complete Lotus Towers on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
游民星空 Full Circle
Complete Campaign on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
游民星空 No One Will Believe You
Complete the Campaign on Realistic.
游民星空 Another Side of the Story
Complete the Campaign on any difficulty.
游民星空 Hold Still!
Kill 6 enemies affected by one Blinding Swarm or Firefly Swarm.
游民星空 Rolling Heavy
Kill 5 enemies using one burst of Unstoppable Force.
游民星空 Sting like a Talon
In Campaign, kill 20 enemies while flying the same Talon.
游民星空 Decimator
In Campaign, kill 10 enemies in under 3 seconds.
游民星空 Curator
Discover all of the collectibles in the Campaign.
游民星空 Gun Game
In Campaign, kill 5 enemies with 5 different guns in under 30 seconds.
游民星空 Personal Decorator
Earn all Decorations.
游民星空 Doing Camo Right
In Campaign, unlock all camos for any weapon.
游民星空 Maximum Firepower
Take control of an ASP.
游民星空 Walking Encyclopedia
Discover all of the collectibles in any Mission.
游民星空 Crackshot
In Campaign, kill 5 enemies from over 100m away.
游民星空 Can't Hide
In Campaign, kill an enemy through a wall or obstruction.
游民星空 Biff! Bap! KaPow!
Kill three enemies in a melee combo.
游民星空 Inertial Distance
In Campaign, wall run over 250 meters.
游民星空 For real this time
Earn a Gold Rating in the training simulator.
游民星空 Foe To Friend
Use an enemy combat robot to kill 10 enemies.
游民星空 Throwing Flak
Kill 3 Talons with a single mid-air grenade detonation.
游民星空 Unlocked Potential
Fully upgrade a Cybernetics Core.
游民星空 Lock, Stock, And Then Some
In Campaign, unlock all attachments for any weapon.
游民星空 In Their Sleep
In Campaign, kill 5 stunned enemies in under 3 seconds.
游民星空 Silverback In Black
Hack the Data Vault and brace yourself for Cyber's Avengening in Dead Ops Arcade 2.
游民星空 The Beginning of the End
In Shadows of Evil, complete all Rituals.
游民星空 From the Shadows
In Shadows of Evil, spot the Shadowman fives times in one game.
游民星空 Not out of Gobblegum!
In Shadows of Evil, purchase and chew every type of GobbleGum in your Pack.
游民星空 Sorry, we're DEAD
In Shadows of Evil, kill 10 zombies that are inside of a store in one game.
游民星空 Strike!
In Shadows of Evil, use the rocket shield attack to kill at least 10 zombies in one burst.
游民星空 Beat CoP
In Shadows of Evil, summon the Civil Protector in every district in a single game.
游民星空 The Spider and the Fly
In Shadows of Evil, kill 10 zombies ensnared by a Widow's Wine grenade.
游民星空 Margwa Party
In Shadows of Evil, kill 2 Margwas in a single round.
游民星空 Parasite-Seeing
In Shadows of Evil, kill 5 Parasites while riding on the train.
游民星空 Welcome to the Club
Reach Sergeant (Level 10) in Multiplayer while playing online.
游民星空 Battle Tested
Reach Commander (Level 55) in Multiplayer while playing online.
游民星空 Tactical Specialist
Get 5 Medals based on a Specialist Ability in a single game.
游民星空 Deadly Specialist
Get a Specialist-based medal that requires 3 or more rapid kills while using any Specialist Weapon.




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