


游民星空 - 查攻略必备



方舟生存进化吧 小白狼125 2018-07-13 17:46



  I fear that evenwith the unwitting aid of Miss Walker, I still cannot completely control themachines in the starlit sanctuary. I believe they sent us to the correct ARK,but I was unable to control precisely where we arrived on it. Alas, that meansthe location I saw in the sanctuary is beyond my reach for the time being,along with the molten Edmunium I saw there. Confound it all!

  Naturally, I cannot confirm that molten substance was indeed Edmunium until Ihave inspected it with my own eyes, but it simply must be! It looked exactlylike my samples did when I attempted to melt them down.

  Imagine! An entire cavern of the most potent element known to man! The wondersI could create...





  While the moltenEdmundium remains elusive, this underground forest has proven quiteilluminating, both figuratively and literally.

  Many of this cavern's species are bioluminescent, so out of curiosity, Idissected several of the glowing insects that are common here. After furtherstudy, I have concluded that the luminescent fluid found in their posteriorscarries something akin to a bioelectric charge. However I cannot determine howit is generated, and with no place to store it, said charge fades quickly.

  Curious, curious indeed! What could be to cause of this? With no sunlight toprovide the forest with energy, perhaps this charge comes from the soil?




  Yes, yes ofcourse! The Edmundium is the cause! If there are truly molten pools ofEdmundium somewhere in these caverns, then Edmundium minerals would have spreadthroughout the soil over time, allowing its wondrous properties to affectnearby flora and fauna.

  Even if it is not the direct source of the charge found in this forest'sbioluminescent wildlife, it may have incited incremental changes in thosespecies over several generations, which then led to their development of aninternal charge.

  How invigorating! I could be standing in the middle of an entire ecosystem thathas been absorbing the effects of Edmundium for generations, and all of itssecrets are mine for the taking. Magnificent!





  I must admit, Iam glad that I coerced Miss Walker into accompanying me. Her scientific mindmay be far below my own, but she can fire a rifle proficiently enough. I supposethat is no surprise. She is a colonial, after all, and she never has beenterribly ladylike. I hadn't noticed what a foul mouth she has, either.Dreadful!

  However, despite her past deceptions and uncouth vulgarity, I must tolerate herpresence for now. The predators here are not to be trifled with. Of course, inmy youth, I could have grappled them into submission. Why, I would simply pintheir wings behind their backs and drive them to the ground. Yes, I'd give thema truly thorough thrashing!

  Ah, to be young again...





  Miss Walker Ican tolerate for now, but I cannot abide by this barbarian!

  I cannot fathom how she even lives, much less how she ended up here! Aprimitive mind like hers could never have operated the contraptions in thestarlit sanctuary. Yet here she stands, and worst of all, she wears a suit ofEdmundium armor! The very thing I seek has already been claimed by some savage,sword wielding tart!

  It's outrageous! Such a beautiful product of science should not be sullied byher bloodstained hands. No, Rockwell. You must be calm. If she senseshostility, she will surely kill you on the spot.

  Yes, for now I must bide my time and learn what I can. Whoever constructed thisarmor, I must find them.






  Astounding! Thatremarkable armor was but the tip of the iceberg. The barbarian woman hasescorted us to the home of her new masters, and I can take nary a step withoutfinding some wondrous new piece of technology - much of it relying on the powerof Edmundium.

  The casual manner in which they use and refer to these wonders leads me tobelieve that while they are deeply familiar with the marvelous metal, they maynot grasp the depths of its potential.

  Yes, Rockwell, this was well worth tolerating Miss Walker and her savagecompanion. I shall learn what these supposed "future men" know, andtake it many steps further.





  The village hasa vast supply of Edmundium, far more than my own paltry samples. In thisquantity, I can almost hear it singing to me as I study it. It pulses withenergy at such an entrancing rhythm that it's hard to tear my eyes away fromit.

  The villagers here refer to it as "Element." Nonsense! Everything isan element. Did they simply forget to name it?

  I have also been learning what they know of the "Charge" that iscommon in this place, which I made note of earlier. Their own studies confirmmy suspicions that it is the result of the Edmundium that permeates thecaverns. That makes it worth researching.





  Obtainingdetailed information from these villagers is like drawing blood from a stone!The red haired woman, Diana, has been pleasant enough in answering my queries,but she is no scientist. Her naivete makes that quite evident.

  I simply must convince these future men to place me onto one of their researchteams. That's where I'll really gain some ground. Unfortunately, they seemrather skeptical of my scientific prowess.

  Bah! Ridiculous! I don't care what year they hail from, I am Sir EdmundRockwell! A mind like my own only comes once a millennium. It should be theirhonor to have me amongst their ranks.





  The nerve ofthese people! I have never seen such arrogance and disrespect directed towardsa worthy colleague!

  I finally convinced Diana to let me partake in the village's research andexperiments, and I have been treated like an ignoramus. These so calledscientists dare to talk down to me? They dare to underestimate me? Fools, thelot of them!

  Well, I daresay I don't need them. Now that I have access to their facilitiesand supplies, I can research Charge and Edmundium just fine without their aid.Soon enough, my knowledge shall surpass their own, then we shall see who isprimitive.





  Confound it all!Why am I progressing so slowly? These scientists are no more intelligent thanI, yet they make continual progress while my own research continues toflounder.

  It's just a matter of experience, that's all it is. They are more familiar withtheir tools and they have more information at their disposal. Were I in theirshoes, I would have finished that ridiculous project of theirs months ago!

  I must work harder to account for my handicap. I shall eat and sleep in thelab, and allow for no distractions, not until my so called peers have learnedto respect the name of Sir Edmund Rockwell.







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