The Mirror Dimension
The Mirror Dimension
The Mirror Dimension is a Co-Op psychological thriller and horror game that can be played with 1 to 4 players. In the game, players will investigate paranormal activities in a visited house, attempting to solve events occurring in different dimensions. By confronting and eliminating the spiritual entities you encounter, you'll strive to identify the problem in your own dimension. Are you ready to explore different dimensions and uncover their mysteries?
Everything around you is filled with surprises that can distract you. As you interact with your environment, you might unknowingly transition to a different dimension. Everything can change at any moment; observe your surroundings carefully and find a way to survive by uncovering the secrets of the dimensions!
Each dimension has its own unique plotlines. Explore the dimensions, uncover their secrets, and use this knowledge to survive! Do you think you can make it through?
Create dimensional links to connect two separate dimensions with a bridge. Each dimension offers unique puzzles and activities. Fulfill the requirements of these puzzles, uncover their effects, and merge the dimensions to unlock new pathways!
