Robot Reckoning
You play as a demolition worker, electromagnetically connected to a new kind of wrecking ball named Wreckie. The ROBOT RECKONING has begun, and as robots swarm to kill you, you must use Wreckie to smash them and survive.
Developing the skill to move Wreckie to where you want her is a challenge, and it's just the beginning.
The real skill is tactical: Wreckie can only be in one place at once, so you have to constantly identify the best position for her in real time, but she only responds to your movements, so you have to move her into that position without moving yourself into enemy fire.
Unlike a lot of action games, this one relies on planning and prediction more than reaction, so it's learnable even if you're not the twitchiest CoD player in the lobby.
The unlocks are changes that you will feel, and every ability is a new thing you can do, not just tweaks; no "+0.5% to Magic Damage on Tuesdays" here.
Also, each ability is versatile enough that you can get creative to synergise and combo them, which you'll have to do at high levels.
The Arcade Demo is just a taste of the full game, which will have 30+ unlocks and abilities to combine and master, 20+ enemy types, a whole bunch of challenges and stages, and maybe even some special encounters.
Although the intended experience is fairly punishing, settings to make the game easier are included, such as extra lives and reduced enemy speed.
THE YEAR IS 2125...
...It took a century, but AI - real AI, not overhyped crap - is here, and it's everywhere. From your toaster to your toilet, if it uses electricity, it's probably an AI connected to The Internet.
But this hasn't created a work-free utopia, or an AI-ruled dystopia. Humanity has a strange relationship with AI, which you can explore in conversation with Wreckie, your AI companion.
Today, the city's robot security forces have started attacking people, and nobody knows why. Survive long enough to solve the mystery behind the ROBOT RECKONING!