Welcome, you are in for one of the craziest rides of your life with Imysoo Games newest release: Project SnowBound©!
We are currently in Alpha v0.0.3G, and this will be the Early Access version available for everyone to participate.
*This game is made by a (solo) 1-man developer team*
Project: SnowBound is a H-MMO, or hybrid massively multiplayer game set in a future after humans have colonized their local universe and are expanding not only for new science & technologies. But also for extreme sports! You are a up and coming potential prospect, aiming to become one of the top of the "High Heaven" circuit players. With nothing but a busted up snowboard, and the prowess of a baby lamb, can you climb your way to the top?
Using a top-down unique systems, players will be spawned into an overworld, and from there, they can participate in free-for-all races (FFA RACE) or gain some serious altitude with the big air (BIG AIR) game-modes!
Or if you're feeling more homely, you can always go and relax in your inn room, customize your furniture and soak the great mountain air in.
Preseason Alpha
You can race, level-up, earn currency and bragging rights against your friends and the rest of the server. Purchase & Collect beautiful, exotic, and colorful board wrappers! You may also pay rent (in-game currency) to keep an inn room, which is completely customizable! You may purchase furniture in order to decorate yourself, or just have somewhere to hang up your trophies!
Explore High-Heaven's Inn
Get yourself an amazing board wrapper at Board Hall:A
Wrap yourself up out there, it can get chilly! Shop XippWear!