Moving Shadows
Moving Shadows
Moving Shadows is a fun, fast-paced, horror game with a twisted hand-painted art style. Get thrown into a creepy maze and collect all the flowers before the monsters get you!
Moving Shadows aims to bring you a self-aware horror game that is actually FUN to play, offering lots of scares that will make you jump - and laugh!
Throughout the seven levels, you will have a different maze and more creatures trying to find you. Your goal will be to find all the hidden flowers as quickly as possible.
Featuring 6 Different Characters! Please welcome...
Mr Audrey - is blind and cannot see you while your torch is off. You can always hear his footsteps as we walks around the level. Run, hide and turn your torch off to dodge this character!
Noir - will creep up closer to you whenever your torch is turned off. Make sure you don't hide in the dark for too long!
Scratchy Smile - dangles from the ceiling as it follows you, but it is scared of your torch. Flick your light up at it to stay safe from this creature!
Puppety - sits in his small box playing music, when the music stops - he jumps out! Turn to face him and don't move to survive!
Audrey Smile - plays the same rules are Mr Audrey, only moves faster and keeps chasing you for longer!
Slaughtered Smile - will stand there completely still, staring at you menacingly. Slaughtered Smile will only ever move while you are not looking at him...
Every 5 flowers = 1 token! You may use these tokens to buy yourself some dandy upgrades that will help you through your horror filled journey! Upgrade your torch, battery life and even enable glowing flowers, keys and batteries to help make them less hidden in the levels!
Between some levels there will be some minigames with some hidden meanings behind them. Plus, this game has some extra bonus levels for you, though they are hidden VERY well!
