Movie Quest
Movie Quest
Lifetime Long Movie Ticket - Open 24/7 - Movies Change Frequently
Now Showing:
- Night Of The Living Dead
- Little Shop Of Horrors
- Three Stooges Remastered
- The Bat - Starring Vincent Price
- Angel and the Badman - Starring John Wayne
- The Gorilla - Starring Bela Lugosi and Harambe
This game is a parody on a movie theater for public movie critiquing and public commentary using the game to view the movies. Some of these movies didn't make it in the theater and/or deserve homage, some even forgotten, most of the younger generations don't know these movies even exist! So as an indie dev I'm giving them expression and meaning in a artistic way with game development and public commentary bringing them back to life! This game plays older movies that are non-copyrighted in the public domain due to copyright laws but they're enjoyable classics!
*Movies may contain, violence, gore, adult language* please see movie ratings before entering a showing*游戏下载