Insect Empires
Insect Empires
Choose between 4 factions and wage war against your enemies in this real-time strategy game.
Insect Empires is a cartoon style Isometric real-time strategy game about colony type insects. Choose your faction and wage war against any foe!
The campaign's story is about the first Insect Jelly War. The growth of the new plant known as the jelly plant brings all 4 of these factions into conflict, Each faction will tell its own side of the story as they wage war on each other for political gains.
Play as the peacekeeping Ants as they travel the world liberating those in need in the name of freedom, or play as the vicious terrorist scum, the Termites and seek to oppose the world and overcome any nation that stands against them!
The campaign will feature really fun, engaging storylines, and missions!
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