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Faced with the impossibility of halting the extinction of humanity, a planetary contingency plan was activated for the relocation and protection of the surviving people. Promoted and financed by the world's leading technology company of the time, Inductrack, a program was devised to build colossal metropolis contained in domes or vaults, which would be known as Nodes or dome-cities.

Although originally there were more than three thousand Nodes, the number of operational dome-cities is not known at present. Political instability and constant internal conflicts, as well as the altercations that occurred during the insurrection of the rebel coalition of Diurna against the government of the Regency of Omnis, provoked confrontations that, in many cases, ended with the total destruction of the structures that provide vital support to the domes.

Gradually, the idea of finding another way of life fell into oblivion. The Nodular Governments rewrote the events of the past to maintain absolute control over the inhabitants of the dome-cities, who submitted to the idea of isolation and the impossibility of leaving their own Nodes, believing that there was no existence but themselves.

The control of truth

At present, VΣRDΔD is the only truth that exists. The citizens of the Nodes are engaged in the search for arcana in order to increase their influence and thus acquire privileges based on their reputation. Meanwhile, Diurna maintains her combative spirit, organizing assaults and skirmishes, hoping that, one day, the scales will finally tip in her favor.

1st Chapter

Enter the universe of "Forge of Destiny" as an inhabitant of the Fourth Node-capital. Discover the secrets hidden in the sands of the ruin district and witness the beginning of your story. An initial journey that will lead you to discover the reality of a new society built on the ruins of the past. Thus, finding the truth will be essential to discover what really happens within the walls of the Node-capital.

The Forge of Destiny

This first chapter, which begins the saga "Forge of Destiny", has been coordinated by Dr. Alberto González Fernández, with the participation of his colleagues from the Nodo Educativo Research Group, as well as the illustrator Francisco Kobo and the composers Nacho Márquez and Víctor Rodríguez. A project funded by the COTEC Foundation and developed by the Video Game Laboratory Nodo Play.

制作发行:Nodo Play



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