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《百战天虫战场》中文奖杯列表一览 全奖杯解锁条件说明
2017-11-01 15:48
奖杯图标 | 奖杯说明 |
Worms Elite[百战天虫精英] Easy, just unlock all the other trophies! 很简单,解锁全部其他奖杯就行了! |
Tara's in a Pinkle[塔拉没有常识] Complete "The Mission Before Time". 完成“提前任务”关卡 |
Group Up[组队] Complete "Meat in the Middle". 完成“中间的肉”关卡 |
High and Dry[孤立无援] Complete "Worm on Trap" 完成“陷阱中的虫子” |
Not Again...[没有下次...] Complete "The Class Act". 完成“班级行动” |
Temple Terror[恐怖神庙] Complete "Fugu Fountain". 完成“河豚泉水”关卡 |
Mesmerised[着迷] Defeat the evil Lord Mesmer. 击败邪恶的Mesmer领主 |
Untouchable[不可触碰] Complete "No Zzz's in Escape" without taking any damage. 无伤完成“睡着的都没跑”任务 |
Worm for the Job[最佳“虫”选] Complete all Worm Ops missions. 完成所有“虫子行动”任务 |
Sergeant Swift[迅捷中士] Complete all Worm Ops missions in under 8 total minutes. 在8分钟内完成全部的"虫子行动"任务 |
Liking the Taste[喜欢这味道] Kill a total of 10 enemy worms. 杀死总计10个敌方虫子 |
Very Moreish[还要更多] Kill a total of 100 enemy worms. 杀死总计100个敌方虫子 |
Man Vs Worms[人虫大战] Kill a total of 300 enemy worms. 杀死总计300个敌方虫子 |
Fore![前进!] Kill 4 worms in a single turn. 在一回合中杀死4个虫子 |
Prod off [戳穿] Kill 5 worms with the Prod weapon. 用尖刺类武器杀死5个虫子 |
Big Spender [挥金如土] Purchase a Concrete Donkey from the in-game shop. 在游戏内商店买一个混凝土笨驴 |
Long Winded [漫长的降落] Parachute for 30 seconds and successfully land in a single turn. 一回合中,跳伞30秒并成功着陆 |
Juggernaut[主宰] Accumulate 300 or more health on a single worm. 在一个虫子上积累300点以上的生命值 |
Behold! [看吧!] Deploy a legendary weapon that you received from a weapons crate or gravestone 部署一个从武器箱或墓碑中获取的传奇武器 |
Overkill[过量伤害] Deal 300 damage in a single turn. 在一轮中造成300点伤害 |
Weapons Expert[武器专家] Use every weapon and utility in the game. 在游戏中使用过每一种武器和工具(完成"Meat in the Middle" 任务) |
First of Many[首当其冲] Win a multiplayer match. 赢一场多人比赛 |
An honest mistake[失误] Kill an allied worm in an online match. 在线上比赛中杀死一个盟友的虫子(完成"Meat in the Middle" 任务) |
Make it Count[小有名气] Win a ranked multiplayer match. 赢一场多人排位赛 |
Steamroller[蒸汽压路机] Achieve a win streak of 5 ranked online games. 在线上排位赛中取得5连胜 |
Best. Clan. Ever.[史上最佳家族] Create your own clan, complete with emblem. 创建自己的家族,并设定徽章 |
Sitting Pretty[打扮漂亮] Fully customise your worms. 完全自定义你的虫子 |
Confidence Boost[自信提升] Win a Battlegrounds league Clan Match. 赢一场家族战场联赛 |
Ding[叮] Level up with a clan. 家族升级 |
Show-off[炫耀] Complete a multiplayer match using your personally created landscape 用自制的地形完成一场多人比赛 |
Remember Me?[还记得我么?] Deal the winning blow with a resurrected worm. 用复活的虫子完成取胜的一击 |