游民星空 - 查攻略必备
《色彩守护者》奖杯列表 全奖杯达成条件
2017-02-05 16:53
奖杯图标 | 奖杯说明 |
#1Legendary Win all trophies in the game! 在游戏中赢得所有奖杯 |
#2We're not worthy! Clear a level with no stars. 通过一关后没拿到星星 |
#3Well done! (干的好) Get 3 stars on any level. 在任何一关中获得3个星星 |
#4Sorry, no princess in our castle Defeat the Castle Boss. 击败城堡boss |
#5Colorama Grab 2000 color orbs. 抓到2000个彩球 |
#6Party Like It’s 2015 Change colors 215 times on a level. 在一个关卡中改变215次颜色 |
#7Put a ring on it! Get diamond stars on any level. 任意一关获得钻石星星评价 |
#8Diamond glitter! Grab 500 orbs the perfect way. 完美抓到500个球 |
#9Castle Seeker Find all of the Castle's hidden Tokis. 找到所有城堡隐藏的Tokis |
#10Lollilollilollilollipop Collect 100 big color orbs. 收集100个大彩球 |
#11Tilting at windmills Defeat the Windmill Boss. 打败windmill boss |
#12Color Guardian jelly time! Stay 5 minutes on a level using Jellies wihout dying. 用果冻在一关停留5分钟,且不能死 |
#13Flying high Use windchopper for the first time. 第一次使用wind chopper |
#14I was in the pool! Fall into the water 3 times in a row 连续3次落水 |
#15I will never let you go Fall into a pit with the chopper. 使用chopper掉入一个坑 |
#16Rod-zenegger Get to the choppa!!! Don't miss any of the choppers on Windmill Level 6. 到达choppa。不错过风车关卡6的任何一个chopper |
#17Rail master ClearCrystal Cavelevel 6 without crashing any obstacles on the color rails. 通过水晶洞穴关卡6,并且不破坏彩色轨道的任何一个台阶 |
#18Cama cama chameleon Clear a level collecting only multicolor orbs. 只收集多彩球通过一个关卡 |
#19Really? REALLY?!?! Almost perfect a level and miss by one orb. 在一关卡的完美收集只漏一个球 |
#20Rod Zombie Die 500 times. 死亡500次 |
#21Light at the end Defeat Krogma on Crystal cave. 在水晶洞穴击败Krogma |
#22No orbs for you! Complete a level without grabbing a single orb. 不抓取一个球通过一个关卡 |
#23Goblin's aren't so bad Encounter the Old Goblin. 遇到老哥布尔 |
#24Hiking adventure Defeat the Mountain Boss. 打败mountain boss |
#25You shall not pass Clear the final Krogma level without dying. 不死击破最后Krogma |
#26No more darkness Paint the whole world with color. 用颜色涂满整个世界 |
#27Teamwork Clear a level with all characters 用所有角色完成一关 |
#28I am the boss Clear a boss level without dying. 任意一个BOSS关卡不死过关 |
#29Look at those reflexes! Clear a speed level wihout dying or missing any orbs. 在不死且收集到所有球的情况下通过一个速度关卡 |
#30Not so fast! ClearCrystal Cavelevel 3 without grabbing any orbs. 不抓取任何球通过水晶洞穴关卡3 |
#31No fear Clear a level without passing through checkpoints. 不通过检查点通过一个关卡 |
#32Thank you for playing! Clear the credits level collecting all orbs. 球全收集通过credits关 |
#33All safe! Release all Tokis from their cages. 笼子里解放所有Tokis |
#34The fixer Clear a level playing with the secret character. 用隐藏角色通过一个关卡 |
#35Everybody has a chance Clear final Krogma level with all characters. 用所有角色通过最终Krogma关卡 |
#36Paradox Clear a Boss level using the secret character. 用隐藏角色通过任意BOSS关卡 |
#37This is too easy Clear at least one extra level collecting all orbs. 球全收集通过一个额外关卡 |
#38Aiming for the stars Earn a bunch of stars. (20%) 获得一串星星(20%) |
#39Starsky and Hutch Earn a big pile of stars. (30%) 获得一大堆星星(30%) |
#40Starry sky Earn an incredible amount of stars. (50%) 获得难以置信的大量星星(50%) |
#41This is SPARTA! Fall off a cliff 100 times. 跌落悬崖100次 |
#42One track mind Get to the end of windmill 7 level without using a single jelly. 不使用果冻通过风车关卡7 |
#43Color overcharge Complete 5 bonus color sequences. 完成5个奖励色彩序列 |
#44Check every door Open all gates in Mountain level 2. 在山脉关卡2打开所有门 |
#45None left Destroy every single goblin in Mountain level 3. 把山脉关卡3的所有哥布尔击破 |
#46EZPZ ClearMountainlevel 6 without grabbing any orbs. 不抓取任何球通过山脉关卡6 |