《上古卷轴5》彩蛋大全 最容易被忽略的一百个彩蛋


《上古卷轴5》彩蛋大全 最容易被忽略的一百个彩蛋

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《上古卷轴5》彩蛋大全 最容易被忽略的一百个彩蛋

上古卷轴吧 羁绊Nexus 2016-12-22 19:30


  在白岭山峰的最后,你可以找到一本黑书,名叫《蜡黄的摄政王》(The King in Yellow)

  The King in Yellow is a book of short stories by American writer Robert W. Chambers, first published by F. Tennyson Neely in 1895.The book is named after a play with the same title which recurs as a motif through some of the stories.The first half of the book features highly esteemed weird stories, and the book has been described by critics such as E. F. Bleiler, S. T. Joshi and T. E. D. Klein as a classic in the field of the supernatural. There are ten stories, the first four of which ("The Repairer of Reputations", "The Mask", "In the Court of the Dragon", and "The Yellow Sign") mention The King in Yellow, a forbidden play which induces despair or madness in those who read it. "The Yellow Sign" inspired a film of the same name released in 2001.

  The British first edition was published by Chatto & Windus in 1895 (316 pages).

  The first four stories are loosely connected by three main devices:

  A play in book form entitled The King in Yellow

  A mysterious and malevolent supernatural entity known as the King in Yellow

  An eerie symbol called the Yellow Sign

  These stories are macabre in tone, centering, in keeping with the other tales, on characters that are often artists or decadents, inhabitants of the demi-monde.

  The first and fourth stories, "The Repairer of Reputations" and "The Yellow Sign", are set in an imagined future 1920s America, whereas the second and third stories, "The Mask" and "In the Court of the Dragon", are set in Paris. These stories are haunted by the theme: "Have you found the Yellow Sign?"

  The weird and macabre character gradually fades away during the remaining stories, and the last three are written in the romantic fiction style common to Chambers' later work. They are all linked to the preceding stories by their Parisian setting and their artistic protagonists.

  Chambers borrowed the names Carcosa, Hali and Hastur from Ambrose Bierce: specifically, his short stories "An Inhabitant of Carcosa" and "Haïta the Shepherd". There is no strong indication that Chambers was influenced beyond liking the names. For example, Hastur is a god of shepherds in "Haïta the Shepherd", but is implicitly a location in "The Repairer of Reputations", listed alongside the Hyades and Aldebaran.[10]

  Brian Stableford pointed out that the story "The Demoiselle d'Ys" was influenced by the stories of Théophile Gautier, such as "Arria Marcella" (1852); both Gautier and Chambers' stories feature a love affair enabled by a supernatural time slip.[11] The name Jeanne d'Ys is also a homophone for the word jaundice and continues the symbolism of The King in Yellow.

  In Raymond Chandler's 1938 detective story, also titled "The King in Yellow", the protagonist says "The King in Yellow. I read a book by that title once."







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