《上古卷轴5》彩蛋大全 最容易被忽略的一百个彩蛋


《上古卷轴5》彩蛋大全 最容易被忽略的一百个彩蛋

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《上古卷轴5》彩蛋大全 最容易被忽略的一百个彩蛋

上古卷轴吧 羁绊Nexus 2016-12-22 19:30



Odin (“奥丁”)

  Odin ( /?o?d?n/; from Old Norse ??inn) is a major god in Norse mythology and the ruler of Asgard.

V?lva (“女萨满,先知”)

  A v?lva or v?lva (Old Norse and Icelandic respectively; plural v?lur (O.N.), v?lvur (Icel.), sometimes anglicized vala; also spákona orsp?kona) is a shamanic seeress in Norse paganism, and a recurring motif in Norse mythology.

Yggdrasil (“世界树”)

  In Norse mythology, Yggdrasil ( /??ɡdr?s?l/; from Old Norse Yggdrasill, pronounced [?yɡ??drasil?]) is an immense tree that is central in Norse cosmology, on which the nine worlds existed.

J?tunns (“巨人”)

  The J?tunns are frost giants that personify the forces of nature and winter, and are generally enemies of men and gods. They existed before the ?sir gods. They were described as having heads of stone, and feet of ice. Some could change their shape into wolves and eagles. The trolls were members of the J?tunn race.

?sir & Asynjer (“阿萨神族”)

  Of the two groups of gods (?sir and Vanir), the ?sir are the younger Iron Age cult brought to the north from eastern Indo-European tribes. Their chief was Odin, and they extolled the virtues of masculinity, honor, vengeance and war. Their long hair was a symbol of their masculinity. The Asynjr wives also had long beautiful hair - cutting it was a terrible crime.

Vanir (“华纳神族”)

  These may have been the earliest gods of the Bronze Age for fertility. It is thought they started in a milder climate, then later replaced in the Iron Age by the ?sir gods of storm and war. After the ?sir–Vanir War, the Vanir became a subgroup of the ?sir. Subsequently, members of the Vanir are sometimes also referred to as members of the ?sir.

Norns (“诺伦三女神”,“司命”)

  The Norns are three spirits (Ur, Verdande and Skuld) of destiny who live by the well of fate and water the world tree Yggdrasil. They spin a thread of life to determine each person's fate.

  Wiki: The Norns (Old Norse: norn, plural: nornir) in Norse mythology are female beings who rule the destiny of gods and men, a kind of dísir comparable to the Fates in classical mythology.

Valkyries (“女武神”)

  Odin's warrior maidens who decided which warriors died in battle then carried the dead to Valhalla. They are depicted six, nine or thirteen at a time.

Einherjar (“英烈”)

  In Norse mythology, the einherjar (Old Norse "lone fighters") are those that have died in battle and are brought to Valhalla by valkyries.

Valhalla (“英灵殿”)

  In Norse mythology, Valhalla (from Old Norse Valh?ll "hall of the slain") is a majestic, enormous hall located in Asgard, ruled over by the god Odin. Chosen by Odin, half of those that die in combat travel to Valhalla upon death, led by valkyries, while the other half go to the goddess Freyja's field Fólkvangr.

  1. 奥丁 (Odin) 是阿斯加德 (Asgard) 的统治者。

  2. 阿斯加德 (Asgard) 是北欧神话世界观 (Norse Cosmology) 中九界之一,为阿萨 (?sir) 神族所居。奥丁 (Odin) 是阿萨 (?sir) 神族的主要人物。

  3. 奥丁 (Odin) 的身世是由一位 V?lva(女萨满/先知)告诉他的,记述于 V?luspá(这是诗体埃达 (Poetic Edda) 的第一章,也是最著名的一章)。(大图)

  4. 据这位 V?lva 讲述,世界是由 Borr 的儿子们从海里 lift (捞?)起来的。(Borr 是奥丁 (Odin) 的父亲,他和女巨人的女儿 Bestla 生了三个儿子,分别是奥丁 (Odin),Vili 和 Vé.)

  5. 阿萨们为日月星辰定下了位置,从而建立了宇宙的秩序。阿萨的黄金时代由此展开:他们有充足的黄金,愉快地建造神庙,打造工具。直到从约顿海姆(J?tunheimr)来了三个女巨人 (mighty giant maiden)。黄金时代由此终结。然后阿萨们(奥丁 (Odin),Vili 和 Vé)创造了侏儒 (dwarves)。

  6. 巨人界约顿海姆 (J?tunheimr) 为巨人 (J?tunn) 所居,是九界之一。而矮人住在尼达维勒(Ni?avellir)的洞穴里。尼达维勒(Ni?avellir)也是九界之一。

  7. 九界 (Níu Heimar) 之说构成了北欧神话世界观的基石:九个世界存在于巨大的世界树 (Yggdrasil) 上。每个世界由一类物种所居:人、神(?sir 和 Vanir)、巨人、精灵 (elf) 、亡灵/尸体、侏儒 (dwarf) 等等。人居于中土 (Mi?gar?r, Midgard),两种神居于两个神界:阿萨界 (?sgar?r) 和华纳 (Vanaheimr),巨人居于巨人界 (J?tunheimr) ,精灵居于精灵界 (?lfheimr),亡灵居于冥界 (Hel),侏儒居于尼达维勒 (Ni?avellir)。【这里只有七个,第七个甚至不能确认,窃以为不必纠结。】

  8. 最初的两个人类是由三个阿萨 (?sir) 神创造的。奥丁 (Odin) 是三者之一,另外二者,根据诗体埃达的说法,是 H?nir 和 Ló?urr。他们在地上找到 Ask 和 Embla,二者无灵性无血色,奥丁 (Odin) 给了他们灵魂 (spirit), H?nir 给了他们感知 (sense),Ló?urr 给了他们血液 (blood)。这就是最初的一男一女。Ask 是男的,Embla 是女的。

  9. 世界上第一场战争,发生在阿萨 (?sir) 神族和华纳 (Vanir) 神族之间。奥丁 (Odin) 扔出了他的长矛。







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