《上古卷轴5》彩蛋大全 最容易被忽略的一百个彩蛋


《上古卷轴5》彩蛋大全 最容易被忽略的一百个彩蛋

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《上古卷轴5》彩蛋大全 最容易被忽略的一百个彩蛋

上古卷轴吧 羁绊Nexus 2016-12-22 19:30


  孤独城的雇佣兵,与他对话中,可能随机说自己小时候玩过Seek the Wumpus的游戏,这里其实是致敬

  Hunt The Wumpus

  Hunt the Wumpus was originally written by Gregory Yob in BASIC while attending the Dartmouth campus of the University of Massachusetts in 1972 or 1973. Out of frustration with all the grid-based hunting games he had seen, such as Snark, Mugwump, and Hurkle, Yob decided to create a map-based game. Hunt the Wumpus was first published in the People's Computer Company journal Vol. 2 No. 1 in mid-1973, and again in Creative Computing in its October, 1975, issue. This article was later reprinted in the book The Best of Creative Computing, Volume 1.Yob later developed Wumpus 2 and Wumpus 3, which offered more hazards and other cave layouts.

  By the release of Version 6 Unix (1975), the game had been ported to Unix C. An implementation of Hunt the Wumpus was typically included with MBASIC, Microsoft's BASIC interpreter for CP/M and one of the company's first products. Hunt the Wumpus was adapted as an early game for the Commodore PET entitled Twonky, which was distributed in the late 1970s with Cursor Magazine. A version of the game can still be found as part of the bsdgames package on modern BSD and Linux operating systems, where it is known as "wump."

  Among the many computers it was ported to is the HP-41C calculator.The 1980 port of the game for the TI-99/4A differs quite a bit from the original while retaining the same concept. It is a graphical rather than text-based game, and uses a regular grid equivalent to a torus rather than an icosahedron. In this version, the Wumpus is depicted as a large red head with a pair of legs growing out of its sides.






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