《家园卡拉克沙漠》远征指南翻译 剧情与历史介绍


《家园卡拉克沙漠》远征指南翻译 剧情与历史介绍

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《家园卡拉克沙漠》远征指南翻译 剧情与历史介绍

家园2吧 尼布甲尼撒2世 2016-02-18 19:01





  古时候,作为基斯-萨,可以命令全体基斯成员进入战争状态,或者要求各个家庭为某个特殊项目贡献人力物力,甚至带领整个基斯搬去另一个地区。而在现代,整个基斯通过全民公投形成共同意志,而基斯-萨作为政治和财务方面的领导,必须遵循全体基斯的意志行事。全卡拉克的基斯-萨都会参加首都提尔的大戴阿米德会议(the Great Daiamid),就全球政策进行辩论,或解决基斯之间的法律冲突。






  在动荡的年代,斯叶特基斯一直都是不可多得的好盟友,好顾问,而不是作为附庸。如果任何基斯杀害了或者试图拷问一个斯叶特人,那么将会被这些科学哲人们抵制不少于100年的时间,而且为了保护其知识不遭到腐化,任何希望成为斯叶特的基斯,都必须直接向斯叶特-萨宣誓,并且要有至少两代人保持忠心耿耿,才会被授予神圣的智慧。唯一可以撼动斯叶特基斯的,可被称作丑闻的事件发生于理性时代,当时曝光了一个情况,那就是在异端战争中,个别的斯叶特家臣实际上在暗中还对纳巴基斯效忠。这些隐藏的纳巴人利用其斯叶特豁免权穿梭于不同的交战派系当中,执行一些刺探情报的任务。当事实被披露的时候,愤怒的情绪很高涨,但芙利尔·斯叶特-萨(Fliir S'jet-Sa)认为由于形势的极端性,这种背叛也是有理由的。虽然她能够让她麾下的许多基斯理性考虑,让一些涉事家族免于制裁或流放,但这一事件还是在一些斯叶特人和纳巴基斯之间埋下了不信任的种子,直至今日。而将科学当做权力来使用的辩题也仍然热门。

  随着理性时代的发展,斯叶特基斯的研究领域也不再局限于太空机械和数学了。很多家族开始钻研大自然和卡拉克上的生命。不到一个世纪,克瑞尔·斯叶特(Kriil S'jet)就向提尔的戴阿米德会议提交了一份论文,展示了一些科学依据,证明我们和卡拉克上的广大生命形式存在着很大的生物学差异。科学证明和关于“流放”的宗教信条震动了卡拉克社会,但也彻底证明了斯叶特基斯是坚持真理的,无论这真理是否会引起恐慌。

IV.Kharakid Social Systems

  Society on Kharak is organized along loosefamily associations, many of which now include hundreds of thousands ofmembers. An extended family grouping is called a kiith (plural: kiithid), andmost archaeologists agree it is a social artifact that dates back before thebeginnings of recorded history.

  A kiith has a loose hierarchy based onone’s social position within the family. Originally, this was based primarilyon seniority, but as technology has changed the face of life on Kharak, thekiithid too have changed, and now family ranking is based more on wealth orpersonal influence than age. Organization within the kiith is recursive innature and models that of a core family unit. Where a single family has aprimary leader, a secondary and then a group of dependents, the next level ofkiith organization is based on the same system — there is a primary family whomakes policy decisions, a secondary family which hears disputes and makesrecommendations, and a number of families of lesser power that have swornallegiance to the primary. The primary family within a kiith is called thekiith-Sa.

  This structure is not static by any meansand, while it is not a trivial matter, families are free to change theirprimary allegiances as they see fit. A family’s position within the kiith risesand falls with how many swear allegiance to them. Although it is much rarer,from time to time a family will move from one kiith to another or even feel theneed to become their own full kiith.

  In ancient times, a kiith-Sa could directall within the kiith to war, demand families dedicate time and finances tospecial projects, or even move the kiith to another region. In modern times,the kiith-Sa is a political and financial leader only in that it acts on thewishes of the entire kiith as established by referendums. The kiith-Sa from allover Kharak meet in the Great Daiamid located in the capital of Tiir to debateglobal policy and resolve legal conflicts between kiithid.

  Traditionally, kiithid concentrate theirpower in one or two disciplines and gather families under their banner by beingthe best place to find advancement in a particular field. For example, KiithS’jet has been associated with the sciences on Kharak for over a thousand yearsand is known to have the most advanced computer labs in the world. Bondedcouples interested in the field often apply to a S’jet family associated withsuch labs. Alliances between kiithid are also based on mutual interests, andthey often lead to closer ties or complete reorganizations.

  In the modern era, the kiithid have slowlytransferred their power to the individual, but it should be noted that it isstill a powerful means of social identity. Kharakid society pursues a singlegoal today, and our new sense of racial destiny has reminded us that we are allfamilies of one grand kiith. Unfortunately for the unity of our people,tradition dies hard, and it takes little stress for any Kharaki to think offamily first and Kharak second.


  Kiith S’jet is something of an oddity amongthe power structures of the kiithid. While they are an ancient and respectedkiith whose expertise has been courted by kiithid-Sa across Kharak, they havenever parlayed this influence into any real political power. The true power ofKiith S’jet lays in its undying desire to question, observe, predict, andrecord. In ancient times, they were the first to plot the path of the planetsin the Kharakid system and derive a calendar from them. They were the first to discoverthe 13-year progressive cycle of sandstorms that tear around the equator ofthis world and predict where the rains that follow the end of every cycle wouldfall. Most of the impartial histories of the Heresy Wars and the resultingreformation were penned by S’jet scribes, who recorded it along with theirobservations of top-soil destruction and the slow crawl of the sands northward.

  During periods of upheaval, Kiith S’jethave always been too valuable as allies and advisors to be turned into vassals.Any kiith who killed or attempted to interrogate a S’jet was shunned by theScience philosophers for a period no shorter than 100 years, and in order tokeep their knowledge from being corrupted, any kiith who wished to become S’jetswore an oath directly to the S’jet-Sa and had to serve faithfully for twogenerations before being instructed in the sacred wisdoms. The closest thing toa scandal that has ever shaken the S’jet kiith occurred during the Time ofReason, when it came to light that during the Heresy Wars certain S’jet vassalshad actually lived under a secret secondary oath to Kiith Naabal. These secretNaabal used their positions of S’jet immunity to move through the variouswarring factions and carry out missions of retrieval andintelligence-gathering. When this truth was revealed, the sense of outrage wasstrong, but Fliir S’jet-Sa realized the extremity of the situation may havejustified the betrayal. Even though she was able to bring enough of her kiithover to this line of reasoning to avoid sanctions or exile for the familiesinvolved, there is still a lingering thread of mistrust between some S’jet andKiith Naabal to this very day, and the debate over the use of Science as Poweris still a passionate one.

  As the Time of Reason progressed, KiithS’jet expanded their studies and moved away from the tradition of celestialmechanics and mathematics. Various families began to delve into the nature andorigin of life on Kharak. Within a century, Kriil S’jet presented a paper tothe Daiamid in Tiir presenting the scientific evidence that we bore littlebiological similarity to the vast majority of Kharakid life. This scientificproof of the religious tenet of Exile shook Kharakid society, but establishedonce and for all that Kiith S’jet served the truth, however disturbing thatmight be.




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