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《家园卡拉克沙漠》远征指南翻译 剧情与历史介绍
Kharak Planetary Analysis
Diameter 7000kilometers
Circumference 21,991 kilometers
Density Low
Age 6.7billion years (approx.)
Hydrographic % 31
Population 293,050,000(approx.)
Kharak is a small, arid world on the inneredge of the habitability zone surrounding its star. This results in anequatorial temperature approaching the boiling point of water with large,complex life only possible in the temperate polar regions. The planet’sadvanced age means that it is well past its era of geological upheaval.
For the past half-billion years, the mostpowerful shaping force on its surface has been erosion. This has resulted invast, shifting deserts that have buried most of Kharak’s ancient temperatebiomes, and swallowed what was once a complex chain of small seas that girdledthe world until approximately 250 million years ago.
The sands that cover these once-fertilebasins are particularly treacherous, and the surface can shift hundreds ofmeters in seconds under the right conditions. There are ancient stories ofentire kiithid being wiped out while trying to migrate through this region, andeven the desert-skilled Gaalsien and Manaan give these regions the respect theyare due, and travel only on vital business.
Kharakid Biology
Modern-day biologists divide life on Kharakinto two broad categories: Native and Abnormality. Native life includes avariety of plants, animals and biota. Larger life forms include insects, aviansand several marsupial species, the largest being the friendly, knee-highomnivorous haariri. As one passes from the sheltered polar areas and into theopen deserts, the vast majority of native
lifeforms seek shelter under the sands orride the winds ahead of the massive sandstorms, filtering the dust for microbeswhipped up from the surface.
In the Abnormality category, there are onlythree lifeforms: ourselves, a few bacterial strains, and the ubiquitous andannoying riiti. In all of Kharak, only ourselves and a small, grain-eating pestshare enough common DNA and skeletal traits to be considered kin. Thus the namefor our biological category. We are clearly separate from the rest of theKharakid biosphere, as we have not found a single ancestor species forourselves or the riiti in the fossil records of the planet, while every otherform of life on Kharak seems to be connected in a great chain of being.
Kharakid Environment
While our technology has grown in leaps andbounds over the past hundred years, the greatest hindrance to expanding ourpower and control over this world is its weather. Even on days considered nominal,the only truly clear communication takes place at the poles and at sea, wherethe air is relatively clear. Over the deserts, there is so much staticgenerated by the shifting of sand that radio reception is often marginal atbest.
Most large storms begin their cycle in thesouthern hemisphere. One-quarter of the surface area of our world is nothingmore than a flat reflective surface, where the low-pressure superheated airrising to the edge of the ionosphere sucks cooler moist air in from the MajiirianOcean. The resulting high-speed heat exchange generates large sandstorms on anearly daily basis.
For the past 50 years, the rate ofsuperstorms has been increasing. The largest yet recorded covered the entiresouthern hemisphere for thirteen days, and has been cited as a majorcontributor to the loss of the Ifriit Naabal on her expedition and surveymission in 1106.
水文情况: 31%
半个世纪以来,超级风暴出现的几率一直在上升。有记载的最大的一次,风暴覆盖了整个南半球,持续了13天。人们认为这次风暴导致了Ifriit Naabal号母舰在1106年的远征考察任务当中失事。
根据命令,我和我的家族直系得以对1068年发射的西拉之眼(Siila's Eye)环境监测卫星截获数据进行分析。虽然直到10年后,数据过滤器才启动,但应该足够掩饰真相了。
自从理性时代以来,人们一直认为卡拉克是个充满活力的星球,没人质疑过这件事。可是一旦从太空来看,就会发现一个黑暗的事实,即使是我们也没有做好接受现实的心理准备。沙漠正在全球范围内扩张,比地表观测得出的结论要快十倍。在这样的速度下,三姊妹之海(the Seas of the Three Sisters)将在200年内干涸。紧接着,沙漠会吞噬极地的山脉,我们最后一块耕地也会被掩埋。而灌溉系统倚仗的地下水层也在缩小,比最初的推断要快六倍。
即使由于对轨道残骸开展了研究,我们在能源和冶金方面取得了长足的进步,最长也不过350年,卡拉克就将无法支持我们物种的生存。我们会继续关注这一情况,利用卫星的帮助,改良模型。赞美您的智慧,因为是您决定了继续提供资助。并且我们会继续听从您智慧的指示,对公众掩饰真相。我们同意,如果将真相告知处于挣扎当中的人民,将会引起一场灾难,在这个时刻,足以引发另一场异端战争(Heresy Wars)。疯狂的加奥森人会利用这场悲剧,宣称这一切,就是我们种族已遭到审判的证据。
-克泽尔·纳巴(K`zell Naabal)
As ordered, my immediate family and I wereable to intercept and analyze the initial data returns from the Siila’s Eyegeneration of environmental monitoring satellites launched in 1068. Our datafilter did not engage until late the following decade, but it should besufficient to obscure the trends from which we have drawn our own conclusions.
We have checked and rechecked the data forfive years now, and there can be little doubt, my Sa. Kharak is dying.
No one since the Age of Reason would arguethat Kharak is a robust world, but even we were not prepared for the dark truththat was revealed once we were able to view this world from space. The sandsare spreading globally, nearly ten times faster than our surface observationshad suggested. At this rate, the Seas of the Three Sisters will be dry within200 years. Soon after that, the desert will overwhelm the last of the polarmountains, and the last of our arable land will be dust. The natural aquifersour irrigation systems depend upon are also shrinking, over six times fasterthan initial predictions.
Even with the leaps and bounds in power andmetallurgy that the orbital debris ring has brought us, our best case scenariois that in less than 350 years, Kharak will be unable to support our species.We will continue to monitor the decline and refine our models with the new lineof Eye sats. We bless your wisdom, that you have continued to fund them. And wewill defer to that same wisdom, Naabal-Sa, as we continue to obscure and hidethis data from the general public. We agree that to tell our struggling peoplethat all this progress is moot would be a disaster, at this moment. It might beenough to bring on another age of Heresy Wars. We would not put it past the madGaalsien to use this tragedy as some kind of proof our race has been judged andfound wanting.
That being said, no secret can stay buriedforever. My family is loyal, and will follow the will of our Sa. We have beentrue for centuries, since long before the day that our people emerged from Tiirunder your Ancestor’s rule, to set this world aright. But please be aware thatthe current rate of decline will become impossible to hide very soon. The truthwill be known and irrefutable to all by the middle of the next century at thelatest.
We can only hope that by then, your plan tosave our people will be revealed as well.