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《蝙蝠侠阿甘骑士》白金攻略 白金奖杯达成攻略
2015-06-28 10:06
《蝙蝠侠:阿甘骑士》精华文章推荐 | |||
全流程图文攻略 | 纯黑解说视频 | 支线任务讲解 | 谜语人全收集攻略 |
恶名之季DLC图文攻略 | 恶名之季DLC视频攻略 | 白金攻略 | AR挑战视频攻略 |
全服装及战车图鉴 | 剧情难点解析 | 系列全人物介绍 | 系列剧情回顾 |
A Battle Within (内心之战) Fight for your sanity. 为保持神志清醒而战 |
A Heart Broken in Two (心碎成两半) Secure the secret base. 将秘密基地清理安全 |
As the Crow Flies (像乌鸦飞舞) Escape from ACE Chemicals. 从ACE化工厂中逃离 |
Be Not Afraid (不再害怕) Win the war for Gotham. 为哥谭市赢得战争 |
Brotherhood of the Fist (拳头兄弟会) Return of the Dynamic Duo. “活力双雄”的归来 |
City of Fear (恐惧之城) Defend the assault on your ally's fortress. 防御你盟友堡垒受到的袭击 |
Cold World (冰冷世界) Destroy the first weapons cache in Gotham City. 在哥谭市摧毁第一个武器藏匿点 |
Dark Wings Fly Away in Fear (黑暗之翼在恐惧中飞走) What is the Cloudburst? "云爆"是什么? |
Death and Glory (死亡与荣耀) Take out 20 thugs with fear takedowns. 使用恐惧速攻能力击倒20个恶棍 |
Fear of Faith (信仰之惧) Rescue the ACE Chemical workers. 拯救ACE化工厂工人 |
Fear of Success (成功的恐惧) Survive Scarecrow's ambush. 在稻草人的埋伏中活下来 |
Journey into Knight (成为骑士之旅) Even The Odds. 平摊几率 |
Living Hell (人间地狱) Interrogate the Militia APC Driver. 审问叛兵装甲车驾驶员 |
Master of Fear (恐惧大师) Wayne vs Crane. 蝙蝠侠对战稻草人 |
No Man's Land (无人之地) Restore power to the bridges of Gotham City. 回复哥谭市桥梁的通电 |
Strange Deadfellows Deploy the Cloudburst countermeasures. 部署"云爆"反制措施 |
The Frequency of Fear (恐惧频率) Scan Gotham City to pinpoint Scarecrow's location. 扫描哥谭市来定位稻草人 |
The Road to Hell (地狱之路) Successfully complete the first Riddler trial. 通过第一个谜语人试炼 |
Judgment Day (审判日) Win the rumble down under. 战胜挖掘机 |
The Long Halloween (漫长的万圣夜) Wayne vs Crane in New Story +. 在"新故事+"中,蝙蝠侠对决稻草人。 |