


2K Sports teamEnter "2ksports" as a code to unlock the 2K Sports team.

2K Sports China teamEnter "2kchina" as a code to unlock the 2K Sports China team.

NBA 2K development teamEnter "nba2k" as a code to unlock the NBA 2K development team.

Visual Concepts teamEnter "vcteam" as a code to unlock the Visual Concepts team.

Retro Air Jordan shoesEnter "23" as a code to unlock the Jordan Sneaker Collection.

Bobcats NASCAR Racing uniformEnter "agsntrccai" as a code to unlock the Bobcats NASCAR Racing uniform.

Cavaliers Cavfanatic uniformEnter "aifnaatccv" as a code to unlock the Cavaliers Cavfanatic uniform.

Hardwood Classics Nights uniformsEnter "wasshcicsl" as a code to unlock the Blazers, Cavaliers, Jazz, Magic, Raptors, Timberwolves, and Warriors Hardwood Classics Nights uniforms.

Hornets Mardi Gras uniformEnter "asrdirmga" as a code to unlock the Hornets Mardi Gras uniform.

Secondary road uniformsEnter "eydonscar" as a code to unlock the Grizzlies, Hawks, Mavericks, and Rockets secondary road uniforms.

St. Patrick's Day uniformsEnter "riiasgerh" as a code to unlock the Bulls, Celtics, Knicks, and Raptors St. Patrick's Day uniforms.

Trailblazers "Rip City" uniformEnter "ycprtii" as a code to unlock the Trailblazers "Rip City" uniform.

ABA ballEnter "payrespect" as a code to unlock the ABA ball.

相关内容请访问:NBA 2K12专区

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