


成为Deep Roads 探险队的成员.
故事相关奖杯,在ACT1时,你需要付50GOLD成为探险队成员,在你有足够的钱后找Bartrand说话,就可以成为DEEP ROADS探险队成员。如果你错过了大部分支线,而且花钱的习惯不好,没有50G,DEEP ROAD做为主线任务,你可以接任务"Friend in LowPlaces." 和矮人Dougan对话,他就会资助你, 但是如果被矮人资助,你是得不到这个奖杯的。

AWorthy Rival
赢得 Arishok's尊敬.


任务: Black Powder Courtesy

在这任务中,ViscountDumar对让你和Seneschal Brann交谈.Seneschal Brann 会委托你任务 "Offered and Lost." 为了完成任务,你要到DOCKS和Arishok谈话,有一个选项,你必须告诉他“Your delegate is missing.”

任务:Offeredand Lost
在杀了Ser Varnel 之后,你会和 ViscountDumar对话,对话中确定选这项:“Do not hide it, he'll know”


任务: Demands of the Qun

当你接受任务 "Demands of the Qun" ,别急着开始做任务。你先去docks 会见日耳曼大婶 Aveline,确定愤青Fenris在队伍中, 他会在QUNARI攻击城市之前表示对你的尊敬。

Kingof the Hill
故事相关,但是可能错过。在ACT2终结前你将面对ARISHOK。有两种方法可以解开奖杯。一是和ISABELA一起(我没试过,所以略过)。二是和FENRIS一起,当你到达Arishok这里, Fenris会建议挑战。答应的话ARISHOC会和你一对一对决,你可以接受或拒绝,如果拒绝你的队友会和整支部队作战,两种选择胜利后都可以解开奖杯。

故事相关,但是可能错过。在ACT3时,任务"The Last Straw." 你必须在Meredith 和 Orsino之间选择其一,选择帮助Meredith可以获得奖杯。



Act 1 –Design: Rune of Frost, Lowtown (Ferelden Imports)
Act 1 – Design: Rune of Frost Warding, Sanctuary(Enemies Among Us)
---Check the crate in the first room of the dungeon.
Act 1 – Design: Rune of Protection, Hightown (Worthy)
Act 1 – Design: Rune of Fire, Dark Foundry (The FirstSacrifice)
---In the Pile of Bones with Ninette’s Ring
Act 1 – Design: Rune of Fire Warding, Wounded Coast
---Far south end, on a pile of bones, near a chest.
Act 1 – Design: Rune of Lightning, Sundermount
---Atop the mountain, past the graveyard, in a pile of bones.
Act 1 – Design: Rune of Lightning Warding, Docks (MageGoods)
Act 1 – Design: Rune of Impact, Wilmod’s Camp (Quest: Enemies Among Us)
---Check the crate near the campfire where you fight Wilmod.
Act 2 – Design: Rune of Spirit Warding, Gallows (MageGoods)
Act 2 – Design: Rune of Striking, Dupuis Estate (PrimeSuspect)
---Go up the stairs and turn right, then enter the room on the left.
Act 2 – Design: Rune of Spirit, Brekker’s Hideaway (Inside Job)
---Go up the second set of stairs and search the crate.
Act 2 – Design: Rune of Nature, Sundermount (MasterIlen’s Shop)
Act 2 – Design: Rune of Defense, Wounded Coast
---Take the southern path, when the path starts north again check a pile ofbones.
Act 2 – Design: Rune of Nature Warding, Smuggler’s Cut (Black Powder Courtesy)
---Go past the Wilderness exit and check a locked chest (30)
Act 3 – Design: Rune of Devastation, Sewer Passage (Onthe Loose)
---Loot the chest at the dungeon exit
Act 3 – Design: Rune of Valiance, Sundermount
---Check the walls south east of the Varterral’shunting ground

Act 1 - Recipe: Elfroot Potion, Lowtown (Lady Elegant)
Act 1 - Recipe: Restoration Potion, Gallows (Formari Herbalist)
Act 2 – Recipe: Life Ward Potion, Gallows (FormariHerbalist)
Act 2 – Recipe: Rock Armor Potion, Low Town (Night)
-----Search the rubble outside Gamlen’s house.
Act 2 – Recipe: Might Offense Potion, Sundermount(Graveyard)
---Exit the caves and turn right, check the pile of bones.
Act 2 – Recipe: Elixir of Heroism, Hightown (Demands ofthe Qun)
---Check a corpse in the square, before the main square of Hightown

Act 1 – Formula: Debilitating Poison, Darktown(Tomwise)
Act 1 – Formula: Tar Bomb, Docks (Shady Merchandise)
Act 1 – Formula: Deathroot Toxin, Docks (ShadyMerchandise)
Act 1 – Formula: Combustion Grenade, Tal-Vashoth Cavern(Black Powder Promise)
---Loot the Tal-Vashoth leader at the end
Act 2 – Formula: Mythal’sFavor, Wounded Coast
---Take the southern route and check the first crate you find
Act 2 – Formula: Arcane Poison
---Loot the Elven Fanatic in the Side Alley, during “BlackPowder Courtesy.”
Act 3 – Formula: Fell Grenade, Wounded Coast
---Take the southern route and at the far end before the exit, check thesouthern nook.



作者:索拉     责任编辑:木淋




