
One Mistress and No Master (15 points) (日不落帝国)
Win as an English civilization.(用不列颠文明获胜)
I Will Not Be Triumphed Over (15 points) (尼罗河的礼物)
Win as an Egyptian civilization.(用古埃及文明获胜)

Flower and Song (15 points) (神密的南美洲)
Win as an Aztec civilization.(用阿兹特克文明获胜)
A Short Life of Glory (15 points) (孕育诸神之地)
Win as a Greek civilization.(用古希腊文明获胜)
Fair and Softly Goes Far (15 points) (伊莎贝拉的时代)
Win as a Spanish civilization.(用西班牙获胜)
Blood and Iron (15 points)(铁血政策)
Win as a German civilization.(用德国获胜)
Veni Vidi Vici (15 points) (我来,我见,我征服 罗马的骄傲,欧洲的传奇)
Win as a Roman civilization.(用古罗马文明获胜)
(Veni Vidi Vici 是凯撒的名言 I came,I saw,I conquered的拉丁文版)
A Great Wind is Blowing (15 points) (彼得大帝的野望)
Win as a Russian civilization.(用俄国获胜)
Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom (15 points) (百花齐放,百家争鸣的东方古国)
Win as a Chinese civilization.(用中国获胜)
We the People (15 points) (自由与民主的土地)
Win as an American civilization.(用美国获胜)
Imagination Rules the World (15 points) (拿破仑的梦想 永远的法兰西帝国)
Win as a French civilization. (用法国获胜)
An Indomitable Will (15 points) (无畏的意志)
Win as an Indian civilization.(用印第安文明获胜)
A Knight Without Fear or Blame (15 points) (横跨欧亚大陆的无畏骑士)
Win as an Arab civilization. (用阿拉伯文明获胜)
This World is a Harsh Place (15 points) (血泪史,抗争史)
Win as an African civilization. (用非洲文明获胜)
All Others Must Fail (15 points) (一代天骄,草原雄鹰)
Win as a Mongolian civilization.(用蒙古获胜)
Victory Over Lesser Men (15 points) (倭国的野心)
Win as a Japanese civilization.(用日本获胜)
Difficulties Mastered (30 points)(克服万难)
Win a victory with each civilization.(用所有文明势力获胜)
A Revelation of Man (20 points) (文艺复兴)
Win a Cultural Victory. (以文化胜利的方式赢得一场胜利)

Embiggens the Smallest Man (30 points) (璀璨文化)
Win a Cultural Victory on at least King difficulty. (在君主难度下,以文化胜利的方式赢得一场胜利)
Citizen of the World (45 points) (智慧的结晶)
Win a Cultural victory on Deity difficulty. (在神祗难度下,以文化胜利的方式赢得一场胜利)
Have Fun Storming the Castle (20 points) (横扫六合)
Win a Domination Victory. (以支配胜利的方式赢得一场胜利)
Vi Victa Vis (30 points) (以暴制暴)
Win a Domination Victory on at least King difficulty. (在君主难度下,以支配胜利的方式赢得一场胜利)
Such Joy Ambition Finds (45 points) (不战而屈人之兵)
Win a Domination victory on Deity difficulty. (在神祗难度下,以支配胜利的方式赢得一场胜利)
A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned (20 points) (资本积累)
Win an Economic Victory. (以经济胜利的方式赢得一场胜利)
The Guy Who Signs the Checks (30 points) (大发横财)
Win an Economic Victory on at least King difficulty. (在君主难度下,以经济胜利的方式赢得一场胜利)
Playing the Game (45 points) (富甲天下)
Win an Economic victory on Deity difficulty. (在神祗难度下,以经济胜利的方式赢得一场胜利)
Ideas Control the World (20 points) (科教兴国)
Win a Technology Victory. (以科技胜利的方式赢得一场胜利)
640K Ought to be Enough (30 points) (科学技术是第一生产力)
Win a Technology Victory on at least King difficulty. (在君主难度下,以科技胜利的方式赢得一场胜利)
Indistinguishable From Magic (45 points) (奇幻与科学)
Win a Technology victory on Deity difficulty. (在神祗难度下,以科技胜利的方式赢得一场胜利)
Destroyer of Worlds (30 points) (大国崛起)
Win all types of victories (Domination, Technology, Cultural, and
    Economic). (以所有类型的胜利条件完成游戏各一次)
The Universal Brotherhood of Man (25 points) (全人类的财富)
Develop a city to produce 100 culture per turn. (建设一座能每回合生产100单位文化的城市)
Organized Knowledge (25 points) (科学殿堂)
Develop a city to produce 200 science per turn. (建设一座能每回合生产200单位科学的城市)
The Root of All Evil (25 points) (罪恶之城)
Develop a city to produce 200 gold per turn.(建设一座能每回合生产200单位金子的城市)
Curse of the Drinking Class (25 points) (资源大国)
Develop a city to produce 200 resources per turn. (建设一座能每回合生产200单位资源的城市)
Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride (3 points) (弱国无外交)
Make contact with another civilization.(和其他文明势力建立外交关系)
Culture is Worth a Little Risk (9 points) (劳动人民的智慧)
Build a Wonder of the World.(建造一座世界奇观)
Once More Unto the Breach (5 points) (精兵简政)
Combine three identical units into an army.(将三个同样的部队合并到一起)
80% of Success is Showing Up (5 points) (乱世出枭雄,时势造俊杰)
Accumulate culture to unlock a famous person.(积累文化点数并最终产生一位伟人)
Home is Where One Starts From (3 points) (基础设施)
Construct a special building. (建造一个特殊建筑)
Good Afternoon, Doctor Jones. (9 points) (探索,发现)
Discover an ancient artifact.(发现一处历史遗迹)
Before all Else, Be Armed (5 points) (身经百战)
Earn a special unit ability in combat.(在战斗中习得一项特殊技能)
Scientia Potentia Est (3 points) (知识就是力量)
Complete development of any technology. (完成任意技术的开发)
Napalm in the Morning (3 points) (战斗)
Defeat an enemy unit.(击败敌方部队)
The Fruit of Labor (5 points) (新兴城市)
Build a second city in a game. (在游戏中建造第二座城市)
What is the City But the People? (25 points) (国际化都市)
Grow a city to size 20.(使城市的规模达到20)
The Will to Win is Everything (25 points) (常胜军)
Win 20 battles with one unit.(用一支部队赢得20场战斗)
Here's Looking at You, Kid (45 points) (历史的长河)
Unlock all famous persons.(发现所有势力的所有伟人)
That We May Live in Peace (25 points) (和平与发展)
Win the game by year 1000 AD on King difficulty or higher.(在公元1000年的时候赢得一场游戏,难度至少为君主难度)
Absolute Power is Kind of Neat (25 points) (君权神受)
Win without changing governments on King difficulty or higher. (在不改变政体的情况下赢得一场游戏,难度至少为君主难度)

Power Never Takes a Back Step (25 points) (白手起家)
Win with only one city on at least King difficulty. (仅用一座城完成游戏。难度至少为君主难度)





