


游民星空 - 查攻略必备



方舟生存进化吧 小白狼125 2018-07-13 16:12





  I had to pickthe desert. Why the hell did I pick the desert?

  Well, I suppose "pick" is a rather strong word for it. I’m still notentirely certain just how I got that console working, but it suddenly startedcycling through holographic images of different destinations far from theisland that I’d been living on. Of course, I just had to go and press anotherbutton while it was showing off one that contained miles and miles of bloodydesert, and here I am.

  That’s just typical of me, isn’t it? Always leaping, never looking. Oh well,better make the best of it, and by that, I mean "better not die of heatexhaustion."





  My huntingskills are seriously out of practice. Not that I was ever spectacular, but Ifeel like I’d graduated from smashing bugs with a rock at some point.

  At least I was thoroughly rewarded for my efforts. My hunch was spot on thesebig green bastards are carrying drinkable water on their backs, and thankgoodness for that! I may have never known if I’d killed a red one first, sincethose carry oil instead. Far less useful when you’re dying of thirst, let metell you.

  I may be fighting the inevitable, though. I’m still on foot and still alone.Definitely miss Athena.





  I’m on a roll.By sheer coincidence, I stumbled into another group of survivors today, andthey didn’t try to kill me or anything. If I didn’t know how probabilityactually worked, I’d say that this recent string of good luck is the universemaking up for sending me to the bloody desert in the first place.

  The caravaners were welcoming, and the creatures they ride are fascinating.They seem like dinosaurs, but they also appear to share some biology withcamels. Bizarre! For all its oddities, the island never had anything like that.

  I’ll have to study them… after a nap. All this desert survival’s left meknackered.





  If I’d ended upin this place instead of on that island, I’d have never imagined the ecosystemwas natural. Not for two seconds.

  Take these morellatops: they’re a cross between a ceratops, a morelladon and acamel, and the strangest part? There are places in its humps where you canstick a spigot and get clean drinking water. Tastes like piss, but not only isit safe, it doesn’t even harm the morellatops. It’s crackers.

  Definitely the result of genetic engineering, but I knew that, didn’t I? It’stime to get to the “why.” Maybe studying the creatures here with my newperspective will yield some insight.





  Today, I caughta glimpse of what the caravaners call the "Endless Dunes". Thedesolate sea of sand that apparently surrounds the livable portion of thedesert on all sides.

  Now those dunes can't literally be endless, but it's easy to see why one wouldthink that. Not only do they, stretch on to the horizon, but they're home to getto... get this... giant sand "worms" that will devour anything thatsets foot in their domain.

  I laughed that off at first. Then I saw a creature the size of a train burst upfrom the sand and devour a wild morellatops that had wandered into its territory.I suppose I'll just have to learn to walk without rhythm...





  As absurd as theDeath Worms are, I see their purpose. They are a natural barrier.

  If this whole place is a space station posing as a real ecosystem, then itneeds to keep the wildlife and humans inside it contained in a way that appearsnatural. The island accomplished that by simply being an island, and the desertdoes it via the Death Worms.

  Granted, a large population of predators with ludicrous kilocalorie needs wouldnever last long in a place as devoid of prey, but as this is an artificialenvironment, the station can feed or, replace the Death Worms as needed. It's alittle convoluted, but it makes sense.






  Time to go overthe facts.

  Like the island, this desert is a space station posing as a naturalenvironment. It is inhabited by a large population of dangerous, geneticallyengineered creatures, and a small population of humans that are struggling tosurvive. This whole environment is then deliberately contained by a combinationof a holographic horizon and natural barriers.

  Assuming the other space stations are at all similiar, then this whole thing isstarting to look like some kind of bizarre experiment on a grand scale. Yes,each station would represent an experimental group, and...

  I'll have to continue this later. One of the caravan's scouts just returned ina panic. Something about rocks being alive, which is of course ridic.






  I long for thedays when I thought a tyrannosaurus frolicking through the snow was the heightof absurdity. Compared to yesterday, that seems commonplace.

  As the scout had so eloquently put, the rocks were indeed alive. Alive, in theshape of a massive, bipedal golem and exceedingly angry. I was too shocked toscatter like the others when it charged, and for a moment, I was certain that Iwould die.

  Then something even more ludicrous happened - lightning crashed into the golem,but it didn't come from the sky. It came from the mouth of a bloody dragon.

  I don't recall much else. Fear and instinct pretty much took over for the restof the day, and while that helped me survive, I'm once again on my own.






  I remember now,the dragon had a rider. Rather, the wyvern did. Two legs means its a wyvern.Strewth, listen to me, fighting to survive and still finding time forsemantics.

  The rider was covered up too well to get a good look at them. Could it havebeen Mei Yin? No, that's stupid. I don't know if she's even alive, much less inthis desert with me. It would be just like her though, to have tamed themeanest thing here so quickly.

  It's nice to pretend that a friend might be looking out for me, at least. Wewere sort of mates, right? Sort of.

  I could really use one right now. A friend, I mean.






  Well, I found anew best mate. The little fuzzball isn't exactly what I meant, but I'll takeher.

  I've dubbed her species Renopila Amplexus. They're small, cuddly littleherbivores, and as far as I can tell, taming one has no practical use. I justcouldn't let the her starve to death, though. I guess all this rubbish withgolems and wyverns has quelched what was left of my scientific instinct toleave nature to nature.

  At least we provide each other with a little warmth at night, and her anticshave helped to keep my spirits up. I suppose I'll need to give her a name.







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