2007年10月16日 Bethesda Softworks公司本周一正式发表了《上古卷轴4:湮没(The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion)》首款免费官方插件——“勇士要塞(The Fighter’s Stronghold)”。所有拥有PC正版的用户都可以登录官方下载页面获得这部分最新游戏内容。

在这部分内容中,你将率领部下据守自己所在的“战争号角城堡(Battlehorn Castle)”、击败蜂拥而至的侵略者,并成为这里的领袖。这个要塞不但规模巨大,还拥有酒窖、训练室、兵营等设施;而且在城堡的某处还隐藏着不为人知的财宝。


* A fully detailed castle for you to explore
* Knights of the True Horn patrol the castle and do your bidding
* Secret treasure vault
* Upgrade the furnishings in every area of the castle
* Hire a vintner to create special wines to enhance your fighting abilities
* Hire a combat trainer to spar with
* Hire a taxidermist to craft lifelike trophies for your great hall
* Purchase an ancient Dwemer Forge that buffs your Armorer skill





