1、Killed an enemy while dying 即死状态干掉一个敌人

2、Beat the chapter without entering the dying state 不进入即死状态通过一章

3、Successfully countered one of Ustanak's attacks 成功反击一次追踪者的攻击

4、Killed an enemy while sliding 用滑行干掉一个敌人

5、Destroyed an item box while sliding 用滑行打破一个道具箱

6、Praised a partner's actions 3 times 表扬同伴三次

7、Saved partner from falling off a high ledge 从悬崖拉上来一次同伴

8、Executed 5 consecutive headshots 五次连续爆头

9、Used an enemy's attack to kill another enemy 利用敌人的攻击干掉另外的敌人

10、Beat the chapter without taking any damage 无伤通过一章

11、Beat the chapter without getting knocked down 不被击倒(不是即死状态)通过一章

12、Knocked down an enemy-thrown object with your knife 用小刀打下了一个敌人扔过来的物品

13、Killed an animal 杀死一个动物

14、Put a B.O.W.‘s hand into the microwave 把再生怪的手放入微波炉

15、Killed an enemy in mid-jump with a headshot 用爆头干掉一个跳起的敌人

16、Beat the chapter using only a handgun 只用手枪通过一章

17、Beat the chapter using only a shotgun 只用散弹枪通过一章

18、Beat the chapter using only a Magnum 只用麦林枪通过一章

19、Beat the chapter using only a sniper rifle 只用狙击枪通过一章

20、Beat the chapter using only a MP-AF 只用微冲通过一章

21、Beat the chapter using only an assault rifle 只用突击步枪通过一章

22、Beat the chapter using only a grenade launcher 只用榴弹枪通过一章

23、Beat the chapter using only physical attacks 只用物理攻击(小刀/电棍/徒手/体术)通过一章

24、Beat the chapter without the use of physical attack 不用物理攻击(小刀/电棍/徒手/体术)通过一章

25、Beat the chapter without reloading 不填装子弹通过一章

26、Beat the chapter without the use of grenades 不用手雷通过一章

27、Beat the chapter using only grenades 只用手雷通过一章

28、Beat the chapter without using health items 不用回复道具通过一章

29、Kill 50 enemies with a knife 用小刀干掉50个敌人

30、Beat the chapter without picking up any ammo or health items 不捡道具通过一章

31、Beat the chapter without equipping any skills 不装备技能通过一章

32、Killed all enemies in front of the cathedral Leon第二章干掉教堂前所有敌人

33、Blew up all the fuel **s at the crash site Leon或者Jake第四章对追踪者一战,打掉所有的油桶

34、Beat Chris and Piers in the race Leon第四章比Chris先坐电梯

35、Beat the chapter without using a rocket launcher Leon第五章最终BOSS战不使用火箭

36、Killed a paratrooper enemy in mid-air Chris第二章干掉一个从飞机上正要下降到地面的半空中的敌人

37、Slid down the slide Chris第三章坐滑滑梯

38、Beat Leon and Helena in the race Chris第三章比Leon先坐电梯

39、Reached the missile in 3 minutes or less Chris第四章3分钟之内干掉导弹

40、Cleared the stage without opening the one-way doors Chris第四章干掉所有敌人就好了,楼主也不知道the one-way doors具体是哪儿

41、Destroyed 3 helicopters with the VTOL's barrel gun Chris第四章开飞机干掉三个直升机

42、Killed more enemies than Jake and Sherry Chris第五章比Jake小组干掉更多敌人

43、Wiped out all enemies around the cabin Jake第二章干掉避雪小屋的所有敌人

44、Beat the cave area without killing any enemies Jake第二章山洞场景不干掉一个敌人

45、Destroyed 5 or more enemies using the turret-mounted cameras Jake第三章用监控摄像机的机枪干掉五个以上敌人

46、Shot 10 J'avo off of their motorcycles Jake第四章干掉10个摩托敌人

47、Killed more enemies than Chris and Piers Jake第五章干掉比Chris小组更多的敌人

48、Had 10 walls broken down by enemies Ada第二章利用敌人撞烂10堵墙

49、Used a B.O.W.'s attacks to kill all zombies in the area Ada第三章利用电锯男干掉区域内的所有Zombie

50、Killed more enemies than Jake and Sherry Ada第三章比Jake小组干掉更多的敌人


51、Destroyed a time bonus while sliding 滑行打破一个时间柱

52、Finished off the hidden boss with a physical attack 用物理攻击干掉隐藏BOSS

53、Defeated the hidden boss during a combo chain 在连击中干掉隐藏BOSS

54、Executed a 150-hit chain combo with your partner 和同伴打出150连击

55、Cleared the stage with a partner with over 150 seconds left 剩下150秒钟和同伴过关

56、Cleared a stage without taking any damage 无伤过关

57、Cleared the stage without the use of any skills 不装备技能过关

58、Cleared a state with 100% accuracy 射击全命中过关

59、Cleared the stage without the use of any health items 不使用回复道具过关

60、Killed an enemy using the stage surroundings 利用周围环境要素干掉一个敌人


作者:序章     责任编辑:迦偌



