
The Arrival of Hive Fleet Kraken

Over 300 years since Hivefleet Behemoth, the Imperial Tarot began to tell of disaster 10 years before the arrival of Hive Fleet Kraken. Images of war haunted the Thorcyra and the astopaths. An uprising on the Factory World of Graia led to the deployment of the 3rd, 9th, and elements of the 10th companies to restore the Imperium's hold on the system. But during the Scythes invasion it became apparent that the uprising was caused by a Genestealer cult. After several months of combat and heavy casualties, the cult was finally crushed.

While returning home the Scythes forces from Graia encountered increasing disturbances in the warp. The Navigators suggested the Miral System to rest and wait out the warp storms. Here they encountered the remnants of their own Chapter, and learned of the overrunning of Sotha & the destruction of the Lamenters Chapter (The Lamenters made their last stand against the Tyranids at the Devlan System Sentinel Stations) by what the Imperium had now named 'Hive Fleet Kraken'.

Stories of desperate boarding actions against the Hiveships and their awakening occupants, close quarter combats and waves of attackers left dread in the hearts of the Scythes. With the Lamenters and their homeworld of Sotha gone, the Scythes found themselves cornered on the Deathworld of Miral. After planet fall the Scythes organised the Miral PDF to defend against what seemed to be an imminent assault.

Within a week the Tyranid were upon them. After countless, desperate, boarding actions and pitched land battles the Imperial forces chose a large rock mesa fortification known as the 'Giant's Coffin' from which to make a protracted last stand. After several weeks of fighting the Imperial forces attempted a breakout to leave the planet utilising a recently discovered Imperator Titan found inside the many labrynthine chambers of the mesa fortress.

In the counter-attack that led the withdrawal, barely a hundred Imperials escaped Miral. This was only achieved when the Titan inducted a core breach to eradicate a majority of their planet based pursuers. The survivors then fled back to Graia, losing several ships enroute to harrying vanguards of the Hivefleet. Once they made Graia, they set about organising the Graian defenders for the invasion that was surely to come.





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