游戏中的设置 2个要点 1分辨率  2显存前后相等 其他的自己设

~! Ultimate GTAIV Performance Fix !~
The Idea:

You've heard this rant a million times, GTAIV was future proofed all reflections and shadows are scaled with the resolution. A stupid yet seemingly unfix-able problem that makes the game a mess. Playing a game in 1024x768 or lower is not acceptable. If I wanted to do that I would pull out my P2/P3 with its 32/64mb graphic card. From looking at GTAIV, it has a lot of new technology but nothing that should struggle to run on 8800's or even 8600's. Its that resolution scaling, im sure of it!.

你已经无数次听到这样的言论,GTAIV已经被进一步证明 所有的反射和阴影都与分辨率的大小有关。(国内的结论是和富裕的显存数有关 值得商榷)这个看似无解的傻逼问题把这个游戏变成了一坨屎。用1024x768或者更低的分辨率玩这游戏让人无法接受。如果我真的想这么做的话,那我只有把我的32/64 Mb显存的P2/P3拿出来了。(。。这东西还留着 老外很变态)仔细看看这个GTAIV,虽然有很多新技术,但也不至于让8800系列甚至是8600系列跑的如此艰难。(老外把ATI无视了)  我很确定是分辨率缩放搞得鬼。

更新一点说明 根据官方README  光影质量确实只和分辨率有关  这就是为什么游戏本身的限制显存不够不能开高分辨率的一个原因

根据R*官方Readme上面的原话  光影质量确实和分辨率有关

Video Mode
Resolution scaling effects water, reflections, shadows, mirrors and the visible viewable distance. The resolution settings relate to the amount of available video memory. At 2560*1600 the game will require 320MB of video memory in addition to all the memory required for content. At 800*600 the game will require 32MB of video memory in addition to the content. Medium resolution settings are recommended for most users as higher settings are only usable if there is available video memory.

可以看出  2560*1600分辨率下的光影需要320M的显存  而800*600分辨率下的光影仅需要32M显存

The Plan:
There must be a way to correct this mess. Lets look at our checklist.

- Configs/Settings Profiles in game directory? /fail.
- Will R*'s patch will add more options in? /fail.

Not long ago I figured out you can run in windowed mode in 800x600 and then stretch the window larger and it gets around R*'s  quality scaling hat would increase the reflection maps.etc that would lag the game and make objects/textures disappear and horrid pop-ins. It made the game look good because you weren't dealing with such a low resolution and the game played extremely well.

I wanted to look into this and see if you can achieve the same thing without stretched the window manually every time.



不久之前 我发现可以用窗口模式以800x600的分辨率运行游戏,然后再把窗口拉伸,这样能避开R*的quality scaling(指根据分辨率大小按比例缩放反射和阴影等的质量),这东西(指quality scaling)会提高反射贴图质量等等,使得游戏变卡,贴图和模型透明以及各种各样令人恶心的弹出错误提示框。这样做(指以低分辨率窗口模式运行然后再拉伸窗口)使游戏看起来很不错,因为一方面你不用面对如此低的反辨率(指800x600),另一方面 游戏运行的非常好。


The Support:

After browsing the net, I noticed others used commandline.txt to set the size of their window, and some people have achieved resolutions over their memory limit without using -norestrictions and only using the resolution from the command lines. This instantly helped me find the answer I wanted.


通过浏览网页,我注意到一些人通过commandline.txt这个文件来设置他们窗口的大小(commandline.txt这东西论坛里面有帖子详细介绍了 这里就不说了),还有一些人不使用-norestrictions命令而突破了显存限制实现了更高的分辨率,因为他们使用了commandline.txt 来设置分辨率。(而不是用游戏内置分辨率)这马上使我找到了问题的答案。

How To Do It:


Now my theory was that, if you have a memory limit on, and you enter a resolution in the command line that is unable to be achieved with that memory limit, it will still put you in that resolution, but the quality scaling will not be implemented. Therefore no disappearing objects/textures, no long or noticeable pop-in's, and less/no lag.

The trick is implementing the higher resolutions with you preferred graphic settings, by limiting your memory to just barely include the options you want, and then you force the resolution.


现在我的理论是,如果你有显存限制,而你在commandline.txt中设置了一个你在游戏中无法设置的分辨率(指超出显存设置的高分辨率),你依然能使用这个分辨率(指commandline.txt中设置的分辨率),而quality scaling将不会生效,与此同时 没有物体,贴图消失,没有各种弹出报错,没有帧数下降。

这个方法使你用你喜欢的显示设置实现了更高的分辨率,把你的显存设置成你在游戏中显示设置所需的水平,然后再强制分辨率(这里有点绕 指的是 在游戏里面用最低分辨率,然后设置其他选项 设置完之后用-availablevidmem把显存设置成系统需求大小,然后在commandline.txt设置分辨率)




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